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Authors:ID Hostnikar, Maja (Author)
ID Friš, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Hostnikar_Maja_2012.pdf (3,41 MB)
MD5: 6F02A37B9198932CD82BC5F339CE252B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c28e6516-e398-4251-9bf5-df59604ce5d0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Z diplomsko nalogo, ki nosi naslov Župnija Sveta Marija v Puščavi v luči matičnih knjig med leti 1919 in 1929, sem predstavila življenje ljudi, prebivalcev naselij v župniji Puščava v omenjenem obdobju. Da sem lahko ugotovila ozadje življenja v prvem desetletju po prvi svetovni vojni, sem obdelala in v diplomsko nalogo vključila arhivsko gradivo, ki se je nanašalo na župnijo Puščava v tem obdobju. Na to ozadje sem navezala podatke o posameznikih in celotnem prebivalstvu župnije na podlagi matičnih knjig. Podrobneje sem v pisni, tabelni in grafični obliki predstavila podatke rojstnih in krstnih, poročnih in mrtvaških matičnih knjig župnije Sv. Marija v Puščavi. Z zbranimi podatki sem naredila statistiko o rojstvih, krstih, porokah in smrtih – najpomembnejših mejnikih življenja – glede na mesece, leta in nadalje podrobneje, glede na spol posameznikov, njihov stan, socialni status, naselja, iz katerih so prihajali. Podatke, ki sem jih oblikovala in analizirala, sem povezala tudi z navezujočimi se splošno že znanimi in odkritimi ter utemeljenimi teorijami in občimi pogledi na obravnavano temo. Delo sem razdelila na štiri večja poglavja, ki so se nanašala na celotno zgodovino same župnije, na dogajanja v celotni državi in sami župniji Sv. Marija v Puščavi v obdobju med leti 1919 in 1929 ter kot četrto, na življenje tukajšnjih ljudi v luči zapisnikarjev takratnih matičnih knjig. Vsako poglavje sem razdelila na več podpoglavij, najširše pa sem oblikovala prav tretje poglavje, na težišču katerega sem osnovala jedro diplomskega dela. Tako sem predstavila župnijo Sv. Marija v Puščavi na način, kot še ni bila prikazana v nobenem obstoječem viru, na podlagi vseh najdenih obstoječih dokumentov o njeni preteklosti v obravnavanem obdobju.
Keywords:Župnija Sveta Marija v Puščavi med leti 1919 in 1929, matične knjige, rojstva, krsti, poroke, smrti.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Hostnikar]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-36871 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19284488 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.08.2012
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Secondary language

Title:The parish of Puščava in the light of central registers between the years 1919 and 1929
Abstract:The thesis, called The Parish of Saint Mary in Puščava in the light of Birth and Death registers between 1919 and 1929, discusses the lives of people, residents of settlements in the Parish of Puščava during this period. In order to identify the background of life in the first decade after the World War I, I processed and included in the thesis the archival material, which relates to the Parish of Puščava during that period. To this background, I connected the data on individuals and entire population of the parish on the basis of registers. In written, tabular and graphical form I presented the information about birth, baptismal, marriage and death registers of the Parish of St. Mary in Puščava. The data collected served as the statistics on births, baptisms, marriages and deaths - the most important milestones of life - according to the months, years and further, according to the sex of individuals, their status, social status, and the villages they came from. The information that I have developed and analysed, I connected to similar and already generally known and substantiated theories and general views on the subject. I divided the thesis into four major sections, which related to the history of the parish itself, the events throughout the country and events in the parish of St. Mary in Puščava during the period between 1919 and 1929, and the fourth, the lives of the people there in the light of the writers of registers at that time. I divided each chapter into several sub-chapters, however the most extensive is the third chapter which is the corner stone of my thesis. So I presented the parish of St. Mary in Puščava in the manner not shown in any existing source so far, on the basis of all existing documents about its past in the defined period.
Keywords:The Parish of St. Mary in Puščava between 1919 and 1929, the registers of birth, baptism, marriage, death.


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