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Title:Arabska pomlad kot izvor terorizma : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Podlesnik, Samo (Author)
ID Miklavčič, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Podlesnik_Samo_i2012.pdf (779,30 KB)
MD5: 94009E6BDE139C57553FF1B49B6F81B0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/19e2747d-b886-4031-8063-77db533b422d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Opredelitev pojma terorizem je izjemno pestra in raznolika. Različni avtorji ga opredeljujejo različno in prav to je problem za težave pri spopadanju z njim. Posplošeno bi lahko rekli, da gre za organizirano skupino, ki z nezakonitimi nasilnimi dejanji ustrahuje širšo populacijo ali drugo (večjo) skupino ljudi za doseganje določenih političnih sprememb. Pojavlja se lahko v različnih oblikah, kot so izsiljevanje, atentati, ugrabitve, požigi, samorazstrelitve, sabotaže, ropi, napadi itd. Gre za doseganje političnih ciljev in pomeni neposredno poseganje v temeljne človekove pravice. Novejši terorizem, ki smo mu priča v 21. stoletju, je še bolj uničevalen in neizprosen kakor tisti, ki smo ga poznali v 20. stoletju. To pa prinaša zahteve in težnjo po čim bolj učinkovitem boju proti terorizmu. Arabska pomlad je revolucionarni val demonstracij in protestov, ki se pojavljajo v arabskem svetu. Vzrok revolucionarnih spopadov in protestov so bile oz. so vsesplošne slabe življenjske razmere. Protestniki so zahtevali predvsem odstavitev predsednika, vlade in spremembe ustave. Protesti oz. revolucija so se začeli 18. decembra 2010 v Tuniziji, od koder so se začeli naglo širiti v druge države arabskega sveta. Do večjih revolucij je prišlo v Tuniziji, Egiptu, Libiji in Jemnu. Civilne vstaje so se zgodile v Bahrajnu in Siriji. Do večjih protestov je prišlo v Alžiriji, Iraku, Jordaniji. Kuvajtu in Maroku. Do manjših spopadov je prišlo v Libanonu, Mavretaniji, Omanu, Savdski Arabiji, Sudanu in Zahodni Sahari, pa tudi na mejah Izraela. V nekaterih državah so upori končani, v nekaterih še trajajo. V nekaterih so uporniki dosegli več, v drugih manj.
Keywords:arabska pomlad, terorizem, uporniki, protesti, revolucije, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Podlesnik]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-36856 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2424042 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.07.2012
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Abstract:The definition of terrorism is extremely wide and varied. Different authors define it differently. This is precisely the problem of difficulty at dealing with it. General, we could say that terrorism is a group organized by the illegal acts of violence intimidate the wider population or the other (larger) group of people to achieve the policy changes. It can take many forms such as extortion, assassinations, kidnappings, arson, sabotage, robberies, assaults, etc.. This is the achievement of political goals and it means a direct interference in fundamental human rights. The terrorism of 21th century is even more destructive and implacable as those which we knew in the 20th century. This brings the requirement and the tendency to make more effective fight against terrorism. Arab spring is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests, which appear in the Arab world. Cause of revolution and protest were or are overall poor living conditions. The protesters demanded the removal of President in particular, the removal of government and the constitutional amendment. Revolution and protest started on 18th December 2010 in Tunisia, from where they began to spread to other countries of the Arab world. Major revolutions took place in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Civil insurrection took place in Bahrain and Syria. Minor protests took place in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and Morocco. Some minor clashes occurred in Lebanon, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara, as well as on the borders of Israel. In some countries, the resistors are finished, in some are still in progress. In some rebels achieve more, in others less.


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