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Title:Feature extraction from CAD model for milling strategy prediction
Authors:ID Balič, Jože (Author)
ID Klančnik, Simon (Author)
ID Brezovnik, Simon (Author)
Files:URL http://www.sv-jme.eu/scripts/download.php?file=/data/upload/SV_JME_54(2008)05_301_307_Balic.pdf
Work type:Unknown
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:In this paper we present a procedure of feature determination from a CAD model. From the model we extract information, which has the greatest influence on the technological parameters of treatment and then transform this information into appropriate input data for different intelligent processing strategy prediction systems (for example artificial neural network). With formally complex CAD models, different processing strategies are required on a single workpiece. For this reason we use segmentation as described in this paper, to partition the surface of the CAD model into regions, so that we treat each region as an independent model and determine its features.
Keywords:CAD-CAM systems, milling strategies, feature extraction, CAD models, segmentation
Year of publishing:2008
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-26183 New window
ISSN on article:0039-2480
COBISS.SI-ID:12304918 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2012
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Strojniški vestnik
Shortened title:Stroj. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza strojnih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije [etc.], = Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia [etc.]
COBISS.SI-ID:762116 New window

Secondary language

Title:Določanje značilnosti CAD modela izdelka za izbiro frezalnih strategij
Abstract:V članku je opisan postopek določevanja značilk iz CAD modela. Iz modela izluščimo informacije, ki imajo največji vpliv na tehnološke parametre obdelave in jih nato preoblikujemo v obliko, ki je primerna kot vhodni podatekv različne inteligentne sisteme za napovedovanje strategije obdelave (na primer z umetno nevronsko mrežo ali z genetskimi algoritmi). Pri oblikovno zahtevnih CAD modelih so na enem obdelovancu potrebne različne obdelovalne strategije, zato s pomočjo opisane delitve, površino CAD modela razdelimo na regije tako, da vsako regijo obravnavamo kot samostojen model in za njo določimo značilke. Te so nato vhodni podatek v sistem inteligentne izbire frezalnih strategij.
Keywords:CAD-CAM sistemi, strategije frezanja, izločanje značilk, CAD modeli, segmentacija


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