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Title:Psihološki vidik intervjuja in zaslišanja osumljencev kaznivih dejanj : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Čonč, Primož (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Conc_Primoz_2012.pdf (260,67 KB)
MD5: 67AF267705516EC49C0C233C32772BA3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fa1849a1-63d9-4409-9359-579f00d7f300
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem govoril o psihološkem vidiku intervjuja in zaslišanja osumljencev kaznivih dejanj. Začel sem s tem, da sem napisal nekaj dejstev o zaslišanju. Če hočemo osumljenega dobro in kvalitetno zaslišati, potrebujemo predvsem dobra vprašanja in primeren prostor za zaslišanje, kjer se bo oseba počutila udobno. Med zaslišanjem oz. razgovorom potekajo motivacijski dejavniki, čustveni in kognitivni dejavniki. V diplomski nalogi sem nato opisal, kako zaslišanje poteka, kakšne so značilnosti zaslišanja in intervjuja in katere so dopustne in katere nedopustne metode zasliševanja ter kako pridobljene izjave dokumentiramo. Razložil sem, kako poteka kognitivni intervju in na čem temelji. Na kratko sem opisal tudi Reidovo tehniko, s pomočjo katere lahko pridobimo osumljenčevo priznanje. Pri zasliševanju oseb je cilj pridobiti priznanja, vendar pa so si le ta med seboj lahko različna. Ker je oseba pri zasliševanju in intervjuju pod stresom, so miselni procesi ljudi različni, zato menim, da je potrebno poudariti tudi psihološki del človekove osebnosti. Določeni osumljenci priznajo dejanja, čeprav so nedolžni. Seveda je vsak človek bitje, katerega vodijo določeni vzgibi, ki so lahko še tako nelogični ostalemu svetu. Pomembno je, da med zaslišanjem in intervjujem preiskovalec oceni osebnost človeka, s katerim je v stiku.
Keywords:kazniva dejanja, osumljenci, intervju, kognitivni intervju, zaslišanje, priznanje, psihološki vidik, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Čonč]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-24365 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2418154 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2012
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Abstract:In this thesis I talked about the psychological aspect of interview and interrogation of crime suspects. I started with writing a few facts about the interrogation. If we want a suspect to go over a thorough and quality interrogation, we especially need good questions and appropriate place for a interrogation where the person feels comfortable. During the hearing, or interview, motivational factors, emotional and cognitive factors take place. In the thesis I have also described how a interrogation is conducted, what are the characteristics of an interview and interrogation, which are admissible and inadmissible methods of interrogation, and how acquired statements are documented. I described the cognitive interview technique. I explained on what the cognitive interview is based on and how it takes place. I briefly described the Reid technique by which we can obtain suspects confession. The purpose of interrogating a person is to gain a confession, but confessions themselves may differ from one another. Since the person is under stress when interrogated and interviewed, and the mental processes of people are different, i think that it is necessary to focus on the psychological part of human personality. Certain suspects confess actions, despite their innocence. Of course, every man can be led by motives that are not logical to rest of the world. It is important that during the interrogation and interview the investigator assesses the personality of a person, with whom he is in contact.


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