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Title:Pravni vidik obveščevalnih dejavnosti na ekonomskem področju : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Bratuž, Gorazd (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Bratuz_Gorazd_2012.pdf (391,27 KB)
MD5: D97FCDCD6C4BB6B7F5D7DAF437954847
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/8f82d33f-f68a-4e69-99d8-e99618d9d621
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Obveščevalna dejavnost je v zadnjih letih doživela temeljito preobrazbo, saj ni več dostopna le državnim aparatom, temveč njena znanja izkoriščajo širše množice zunaj tega aparata. V dobi informacijske tehnologije in vse močnejše globalizacije se je obveščevalna dejavnost pojavila tudi na ekonomskem področju. Diplomsko delo obravnava del pravne ureditve obveščevalne dejavnosti na gospodarskem področju. Obravnava gospodarsko vohunstvo, ki je močno povezano s poslovnimi skrivnostmi. Tistega, ki izvaja gospodarsko vohunstvo zanimajo podatki, ki so poslovna skrivnost. Takšni podatki pomenijo za podjetje, ki z drugimi podjetji tekmuje na trgu primerjalno prednost in so zato izpostavljeni tveganju, da si jih bodo konkurenčna podjetja hotela prilastiti. V prvem delu diplomskega dela obravnavamo pojme, ki so temeljni za razumevanje področja gospodarskega vohunstva in poslovne skrivnosti. V drugem delu je obravnavana normativna ureditev poslovne skrivnosti v slovenskem pravnem prostoru. Obravnavana je ureditev od Ustave Republike Slovenije do najpomembnejših področnih zakonov, ki so na gospodarskem, kazenskem, civilnem in upravnem področju. Temeljni zakon, ki ureja področje poslovnih skrivnosti je Zakon o gospodarskih družbah. Pri posameznem zakonu smo poskušali izpostaviti slabosti ureditve, predlagani so tudi ukrepi, s katerimi naj podjetje preprečuje gospodarsko vohunstvo in kako naj ravna podjetje, ko je že bilo žrtev gospodarskega vohunstva in izdaje poslovnih skrivnosti.
Keywords:obveščevalna dejavnost, tajni podatki, poslovna skrivnost, gospodarsko vohunstvo, pravni vidik, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:G. Bratuž]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-23042 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2420714 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.07.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:The intelligence activity has gone through a thorough transformation in recent years since it is no longer only available to the government but also to wider public outside the state frame. In the information technology era and with the growing globalization, the intelligence has appeared in the economic field as well. The following thesis deals with the part of legal regulation of intelligence in economic area. It deals with the economic espionage, which is strongly connected with trade secrets. People that perform economic espionage are interested in data which are a trade secret. Such data are a comparative advantage to a company that competes with other companies in the global market and is thus exposed to the risk of getting owned by other competitive companies. The first part of the thesis deals with concepts that are fundamental for understanding the field of economic espionage and trade secrets. The second part of the thesis deals with the normative regulation of trade secret in the Slovenian legal space. It covers the regulation from the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia to the most significant sectoral laws in the economic, criminal, civil and administration field. The basic law that regulates the field of trade secrets is the Companies Act. We have tried to highlight the weaknesses in regulation within each individual law. We have also put forward the measures which help companies prevent economic espionage and we have suggested how the companies should react once they have already been a victim of economic espionage and trade secret theft.


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