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Authors:ID Balaban, Metka (Author)
ID Logožar, Klavdij (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Balaban_Metka_2012.pdf (3,91 MB)
MD5: AAB72896FA569260F25704A7E707E67B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b9f7cca1-33b5-405a-821d-4636402503b8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Skozi magistrsko nalogo smo sprva predstavili teoretičen vidik pomorskega transporta, ki je eden izmed bistvenih elementov, ki omogoča razvoj mednarodne trgovine. Sam transport in trgovina sta dobila nove razsežnosti z razvojem kontejnerjev, ki omogočajo stroškovno in prostorsko učinkovit transporta blaga, še posebej na razdaljah, kjer je tranzitni čas daljši. Velikost in prostornina kontejnerja sta izbrana glede na vrsto blaga in težo. Pri pomorskem kontejnerskem transportu je potrebno posebej poudariti ekonomski vidik tovrstnega načina transporta, kot je zmanjševanje stroškov pakiranja, povečanje varnosti pri samem prevozu, hitrejše manipuliranje, poenostavljanje administrativnih poslov in drugo. Kljub koristnim učinkom, pa se tudi pomorski kontejnerski transport ni mogel izogniti učinkom svetovne gospodarske krize. Kriza je povzročila in zabeležila padec opravljanja tovrstnega prevoza tovora, zmanjšala se je potreba po proizvodnji ladij, nekateri ladjarji so izgubili svoje ključne prevozne poti, vse to pa je posledica zmanjšanega povpraševanja po tujih proizvodih, kar pomeni manjši uvoz oziroma izvoz. Ta padec mednarodne menjave je bil zabeležen tudi v trgovinski bilanci med Slovenijo in Kitajsko v zadnjih treh letih, ki pa se počasi stabilizira. Ljudska republika Kitajska je z vstopom v Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo leta 2001 pridobila veliko, saj ji je bilo omogočeno trgovanje z večjim delom Evropskih držav, med njimi tudi Slovenijo. Odnosi med omenjenima državama so se utrdili z nekaterimi sporazumi, ki urejajo trgovinske odnose med njima. V magistrski nalogi je osvetljen tudi problem oziroma dejstva, ki se navezujejo na analizo uvoza pošiljke iz Kitajske. Sama menjava dobrin zagotovo ne bi bila uspešna brez skrbno organizirane transportne poti. Sprva je v nalogi predstavljen teoretičen vidik izbire ustrezne poti in pravilne organizacije poti ter zavarovanja. Ključen pomen pri mednarodni menjavi pa imajo tudi pravila ICC zato so v nalogi predstavljene tiste klavzule, ki so ključnega pomena za pomorski transport. Podjetja se za brezhibno opravljen transport blaga obračajo na špediterska podjetja. Predstavljen je pomen in razvoj špedicije ter njihove naloge. Za boljšo in nazornejšo analizo primera uvoza pošiljke iz Kitajske, smo za pomoč zaprosili večje špeditersko podjetje, izpostava Koper. S svojimi izkušnjami in prakso so nam razložili kakšen je potek uvoza blaga.
Keywords:pomorski transport, kontejnerizacija, mednarodna menjava, uvoz kontejnerja, špedicija, gospodarstvo Ljudske republike Kitajske
Place of publishing:Slovenj Gradec
Publisher:[M. Balaban]
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22977 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:11141148 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.08.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:Throughout the master thesis we have firstly presented a theoretical aspect of the maritime transport, which is one of the essential elements, that enables the development of international trade. Transportation and trade itself were given a new dimension with the development of containers, which enables a low cost and space efficient transport of goods, especially for long distances, where the transit time is longer. The size and the volume of the containers are selected depending on the type and weight of the goods. In maritime container-transport, the economic aspects must be extra stressed out, such as reducing the costs of packing, increasing the safety of the transport itself, faster handling, simplifying administrative work and other. Despite the great utility, the sea-container transport also could not escape the impact of the global economic crises. The crisis has created and recorded a decrease of performing the transportation, the need for the manufacture of ships has decreased, many ship-owners have lost their key routes, and all of this is a consequence due to reduced demand of foreign products, which brings a lower import and export. This decline of international trade has been recorded in the balance of trade between Slovenia and China in the past three years as well, but is beginning to stabilize. The People's Republic of China has gained a lot by joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2011, because it was able to trade with most European countries, including Slovenia. The relations among these two countries have strengthened by signing a few agreements that manage trade relations between them. The master thesis also highlights the problems and facts, related to the analysis of import shipments from China. The goods exchange itself certainly would not be so successful without carefully organized routes. Initially, the theoretical aspect of the selection of the proper way, correct organization and insurance is presented in the thesis. The ICC rules also have a crucial meaning concerning the international trade; therefore the clauses that have an important meaning for maritime transport are presented in the thesis. Companies turn to forwarding companies for the flawlessly done transport of the goods. The meaning, development and functions of forwarding agency are also presented. For a better and more intuitive analysis of the case of import shipments from China, we have requested the assistance of major forwarding company, branch office of Koper. With their experiences and practice, they have explained the course of the imported goods.
Keywords:maritime transport, containerization, international trade, imports of container, Forwarding agency, Economy of the People's Republic of China


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