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Title:Plača kot motivator dela varnostnikov - prevoznikov : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Trstenjak, Saša (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Trstenjak_Sasa_2012.pdf (952,49 KB)
MD5: B458ED706043B395BE1AAB500ACB067B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cc9d586c-e6de-4879-a61f-1f53be9378c6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Ljudje različno vrednotijo različne stvari in si postavljajo tudi različne cilje. Za nekatere je cilj denar, plača, drugim je bolj kot plača pomembno, da delajo tisto, kar jih zares veseli in zanima, tretji delajo zato, ker nimajo druge izbire in jim zaposlitev pomeni varnost. Iz raziskav smo ugotovili, da so zaposleni predani svojemu delu, kadar ga opravljajo z veseljem in če pri opravljanju svojega dela lahko pokažejo svoje sposobnosti, so praviloma tudi uspešni. Biti varnostnik v današnjem času ni ravno nekaj, s čimer bi se človek lahko hvalil. Predvsem varovati v trgovinah je delikatna stvar. Nočni čuvaji so ljudje, ki čakajo le še na pokoj, receptorske službe niso cenjene. Varnostniki-interventi in varnostniki-prevozniki so stopničko višje od navadnih varnostnikov, zato pa toliko bolj izpostavljeni raznim napadom. Plače pa nobenim niso v prid. Prav za plače pa hodimo delat. Plače so vir dohodka, z njimi se varčuje tudi za pokojnine. Koliko pa je delavec motiviran, če dobi vsak mesec 500 do 700 € plače za odgovorno delo? Zaposlene veseli edino lahko, da vsak mesec vsaj nekaj dobijo. Plače so glavni zunanji motivator za uspešno delo in za zadovoljnega delavca. Naloga nam je pokazala, da bi sleherni delavec bil mnogo bolj motiviran za delo, če bi vedel, da bo njegovo delo pošteno plačano, še več: za boljše plačilo bi tudi več delal (posledično tudi bolje opravil naloge). Delo varnostnika-prevoznika je stresno in odgovorno delo, saj je osnovno sredstvo dela denar in prevozno sredstvo (prirejeno vozilo in/ali blindirano kombinirano vozilo). V skladu z zakoni je potrebno skrbno ravnati tudi z orožjem, ki jim je zaupano.
Keywords:zasebno varovanje, prevoz denarja, varnostniki, plače, motivacija, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Trstenjak]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22759 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2403050 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.06.2012
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Abstract:Different people value different things and you put the different objectives. For some, the goal of the money paid, the other is more important than pay, to do what you really happy and interested, third working because they have no choice and give them job security means. From the research we found that employees are dedicated to their work when they do and be happy if in the course of their work to demonstrate their abilities, are generally also successful. Being a security guard at the present time is not exactly something that would be a man can boast. Primarily to protect the delicate matter of the shops. Night watchmen are the people who are waiting to retire just yet, receptor services are not appreciated. Security guards, security guards and the interveners-carriers are step further than the base security, and therefore much more vulnerable to various attacks. Wages are not in favor of the no. Also on staff are walking to work. Wages are a source of income, with a saving for pensions. How much is a motivated worker, if he gets every month 500 to 700 € for good salary job? Employees can be happy only that each month, at least get something. Wages are the main external motivator for success and a satisfied employee. The task has shown us that every worker was much more motivated to work if he knew that his work is fairly paid, and even more: for better pay would also be more work (hence better to do the tasks). Work security guard, the carrier is stressful and responsible job, as the primary means of money and means of transport (vehicle engineered and / or bulletproof hatchback). In accordance with the laws must be carefully handled the weapons, entrusted with.


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