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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Avtorji:ID Milocco, Alberto (Avtor)
ID Trkov, Andrej (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Korošak, Dean (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf DR_Milocco_Alberto_2012.pdf (8,50 MB)
MD5: 7A2E03B30F25121E538641B3FF25061D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/db62e4ff-9323-443c-b319-bd5dcfb57548
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:FGPA - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo
Opis:The construction of the nuclear fusion plant 'ITER' has started in 2009 at Cadarache, France. The ITER machine represents a milestone in the civil use of the nuclear fusion energy. The physics of ITER is based on the fusion reaction between deuteron and triton nuclei (d-t). The deuteron-deuteron reaction (d-d) is also interesting and is foreseen for the next generation of fusion reactors. The experimental activities carried out in the context of the ITER neutronics involve intense fields of neutrons produced with a linear accelerator for deuterons, a target containing tritium or deuterium and auxiliary structures, such as the detector system, cooling system, room walls, etc. Experimental data have been obtained from the FNG (Frascati Neutron Generator, Italy), FNS (Fast Neutron Source, Japan), OKTAVIAN (Osaka University, Japan) and IRMM (Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, EU). An independent method was developed at FNG for the simulation of the d-t neutron spectra at different angles. The FNG source routine models the Monte Carlo deuteron transport in solid tritiated targets as done in the well known SRIM code. The neutrons are generated according to the tabulated probability of the d-t reactions as for the DROSG2000 code. The FNG source routine is implemented into the MCNP distributions. The user is asked to define into the MCNP input file the deuteron energy (up to 10 MeV), the beam width and the target dimensions and composition. This source routine has been chosen as starter for the present thesis. Improvements and extensions were introduced. - The methodology, originally developed for the d-t neutron source, has been extended to d-d neutron sources. - Assuming the the SRIM code constitutes the reference calculation for the deuteron transport in matter, its implementation in the source routine has been cross-checked by extracting from the latter the same quantities as provided by the original code. II - In the present version of the source routines, the cross sections are internally generated from built in table based on modern evaluated nuclear data files instead of tables obtained from the DROSG200 code. - Since the model may be used up to 10 MeV deuteron energy, the relativistic kinematics has been implemented to avoid unnecessary approximations. - Simulations of the bare neutron source spectra and angular yields measurements have been carried out to validate the model. - New editions of the d-t and d-d source routine have been released for the latest versions of the MCNP codes and tested on LINUX and WINDOWS machines. The validation activities with the FNG and IRMM experimental data suggested a possible application of the source routine for the characterisation of neutron spectrometers in the MeV energy region. The source routine has been adopted to simulate integral benchmark experiments at FNG, FNS and OKTAVIAN. Brand new MCNP benchmark models have been developed for inclusion of all the available experimental information. It is shown that the d-t source routine is an accurate tool for the generation of the source eutrons. It also demonstrates to be useful for the evaluation of the neutron source term and associated uncertainties. The accuracy of the analyses is pursued to the point that the quality of the nuclear data employed in the simulation can be assessed. To this extent, the case of a new evaluation of the neutron interaction nuclear data for Manganese-55 is tested. A set of integral benchmark experiments has been used in the validation phase of the nuclear data. The computational models rely on the source routine, the object of the thesis. In conclusion, the source routine claims the inclusion of the major features responsible for the experimental resolution associated with the source term. The doctoral thesis explores its usage in the context of the experimental activities for ITER. The future exploitation of the source routine for the simulation of worldwide experiments might become an occasion to compare it with the source models available in the other laboratories
Ključne besede:deuteron-triton reactions, low-energy deuterons, neutron source model, Monte Carlo method, solid tritium target, solid deuterium target, fusion neutronics, benchmark experiments, diamond detectors.
Kraj izida:[Maribor
Založnik:A. Milocco]
Leto izida:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-22278 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:260729344 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:07.03.2012
Število ogledov:4802
Število prenosov:163
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
Področja:KTFMB - FG
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Opis:Gradnja fuzijske elektrarne ITER se je pričela leta 2009 v Cadarachu v Franciji. ITER predstavlja mejnik v rabi fuzijske energije. Reaktor ITER bo deloval na osnovi zlitja jeder devterija in tritija (D-T). Naslednja generacija fuzijskih reaktorjev bo predvidoma delovala na osnovi reakcije zlitja dveh jeder devterija (D-D). Problem modeliranja medsebojnega vpliva devterona v tritijevih in devterijevih tarčah predstavlja zanimiv primer uporabne fizikalnih modelov in jedrskih podatkov. Problem zahteva natančno obravnavo elastičnega sipanja (fizikalni modeli), neelastičnih elektronskih trkov (običajno so podani v obliki tabel) in fuzijskih jedrskih podatkov (kateri podatki so na voljo in kateri evalvirani podatki naj se uporabijo). Namen doktorskega dela je, da pokaže, da se lahko razvije take računske modele, ki imajo trdno fizikalno osnovo in so numerično stabilni pri opisu podatkov iz nevtronskega fuzijskega eksperimenta. Izdelan podprogram, ki je rezultat tega doktorskega dela, vsebuje vse glavne elemente mehanizmov, ki določajo izvorni člen. Neposredno so ovrednotene anizotropnost D-T in D-D fuzijskih reakcij, upočasnjevanje devteronov v trdnih tarčah ter geometrija in sestava tarč. V doktorskem delu je opisana njegova raba v kontekstu eksperimentalnih aktivnosti za ITER. V okviru tega je bil opravljen razvoj MCNP modelov za analizo integralnih referenčnih eksperimentov FNG, FNS in OKTAVIAN. Bodoča uporaba podprograma za izvor bi lahko obsegala simulacije eksperimentov v različnih laboratorijih po svetu in primerjavo z njihovimi lastnimi modeli izračunov izvornega člena.
Ključne besede:reakcije devterija in tritija, devteroni pri nizki energiji, izvorni člen za nevtrone, metoda Monte Carlo, trdne devterijeve tarče, trdne tritijeve tarče, nevtronika fuzije, referenčni eksperimenti, diamantni detektorji


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