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Authors:ID Prelc, Mateja (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Prelc_Mateja_2012.pdf (680,78 KB)
MD5: 45A4BAFBE687A2A3F793FB1B7C6A4EF8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f6a79fb1-8e41-416e-a94e-4537824d1640
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V sodobni družbi se vloga staršev vedno bolj spreminja. Vzroki za to so zmanjševanje števila rojstev, ki smo mu v Sloveniji priča iz leta v leto, prelaganje rojstva prvega otroka na kasnejša leta, strah pred izgubo službe, neurejene stanovanjske razmere, socialna nepreskrbljenost bodočih mladih družin in še bi lahko naštevali. Vendar ima prestavljanje starševstva na poznejša obdobja tudi svoj pomen, saj bodoči starši tako pomemben dogodek sprejemajo odgovorneje in resneje. Načrtovanje bodoče družine je nekakšen projekt, ki zahteva temeljit razmislek in skrbno načrtovanje. Pričakovanje novega člana, nosečnost in porod so namreč edinstvena obdobja, ki jih je potrebno dobro izkoristiti. V magistrski nalogi me je zanimalo zadovoljstvo udeležencev šole za starše v zdravstvenem domu z njeno organizacijo, uporabljenimi metodami dela in s predavatelji, poleg tega pa tudi, kakšen vpliv je imelo obiskovanje šole za starše na udeležence. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela, na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem delu so s pomočjo razpoložljive literature prek teoretičnih osnov predstavljeni najpogostejši pojmi o izobraževanju, organizaciji izobraževanja in evalvaciji. V raziskovalnem delu pa je kot inštrument raziskave uporabljen anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil razdeljen po zaključku tečaja za bodoče starše. V raziskavi so bile zaradi večjega števila vzorcev in s tem realnejših podatkov zajete štiri skupine udeležencev šole za starše, ki je bila izvedena leta 2011. Podatki so bili obdelani s pomočjo programa za statistično obdelavo podatkov SPSS. V magistrski nalogi sem ugotovila, da so bodoči starši, ki so se leta 2011 udeležili šole za starše v zdravstvenem domu, zadovoljni z njeno organizacijo in izvedbo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so udeleženci najbolj zadovoljni s predavatelji, saj menijo, da so dobro izbrani in dovolj strokovni, najmanj pa so zadovoljni z uporabljenimi metodami dela, saj bi si želeli več individualne obravnave. Pregled zadovoljstva udeležencev šole za starše nam bo v pomoč pri načrtovanju dela v prihodnosti. Evalvacija šole za starše v zdravstvenem domu, v katerem sem izvajala anketo, še ni bila narejena, zato nam lahko služi kot nekakšen pregled in potrditev dosedanjega dela ter nam je v pomoč pri snovanju načrtov za prihodnost, saj se čas nenehno spreminja, z njim pa tudi potrebe in zahteve udeležencev.
Keywords:izobraževanje, organizacija izobraževanja, kurikulum, šola za starše
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2012
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21719 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7016467 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.05.2012
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Secondary language

Abstract:The role of parents in contemporary society is changing increasingly. The reasons are smaller number of births, which we witness for the last couple of years in Slovenia, having first child at the later age, the fear of unemployment, unregulated housing and greater social dependency of future young families. However, the importance of parenting, which moves in the later period of life, also has its own significance, since future parents take this important event much more responsibly and seriously. Planning a family is almost a project, which requires thorough consideration and careful planning. Expecting a new family member as well as pregnancy and childbirth are all unique periods in one’s life and as such have to be used well. My goal in this thesis was to find out whether the participants of parenthood in a health center were satisfied with the organization of the course and work methods that the lecturers used, as well as what impact the course had on the future parents. The thesis is divided into theoretical and research part. In the theoretical part, the most common theoretical concepts of education, organization, training and evaluation are presented through available literature. In the research part of the thesis, the questionnaire which the participants were asked to complete at the end of the course for future parents was used as the instrument of survey. To get more samples and thus more realistic data, the study included four groups of parenthood participants, which was carried out in 2011. The data were then processed with the SPSS program, designed for statistical data analysis. The survey results show that in general the participants of parenthood in 2011 were satisfied with the organization and execution of parenthood in a health center. Participants were most satisfied with the lecturers, since in their opinion the speakers were chosen well and sufficiently professional They were less satisfied with working methods, because they would prefer more individual treatment. The review of participants' satisfaction of parenthood will help us when planning our future work. The evaluation of parenthood has not yet been made in the health centre, where the survey was carried out, so it is more of a review as well as confirmation of our previous work, but it will be also taken into consideration when planning for the future, because the time is changing constantly and so are the needs and requirements of participants
Keywords:education, organization of education, curriculum, school for parents.


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