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Authors:ID Božič, Tatjana (Author)
ID Ferčič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Bozic_Tatjana_2011.pdf (992,87 KB)
MD5: F0B015BF3D52400F8C1A96E89D0529D5
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/40518055-98ae-4f26-9697-d767c5cf9292
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Konvencija Združenih narodov o mednarodni prodaji blaga (CISG) temelji na načelu stroge odgovornosti in teži k izpolnitvi obligacij, zato le izjemoma, v točno določenih primerih, dopušča izključitev odgovornosti. IV. odsek IV. poglavja, i.e. čl. 79 in 80 CISG določata, pod katerimi pogoji se lahko stranka, ki ni izpolnila pogodbe, razbremeni odgovornosti. Čl. 79 CISG omogoča dolžniku, ki krši svoje pogodbene obveznosti, da se razbremeni odgovornosti v kolikor dokaže, da je bila neizpolnitev posledica nepredvidljive in nepremostljive ovire, izven njegovega nadzora. V kolikor je neizpolnitev posledica neizpolnitve s strani tretje osebe, ki jo je dolžnik angažiral pri izpolnitvi dela ali celotne pogodbe, bo dolžnikova odgovornost izključena le v kolikor bo šlo za oviro, izven njegovega nadzora ter v kolikor tudi tretja stran, ki ji je bilo sodelovanje pri izpolnitvi zaupano, izpolnjuje kriterije za oprostitev. Kadar ovira le začasno prepreči izpolnitev pogodbe, velja oprostitev le za čas, ko ovira traja. Da bi lahko upnik izvršil pravna sredstva, ki so mu na voljo po CISG je nujno, da dolžnik, katerega izpolnitev je ovirana ali preprečena, o tem obvesti upnika, saj bo v nasprotnem primeru odgovarjal za škodo, ki bi mu zaradi opustitve notifikacije nastala. Oprostitev odgovornosti po čl. 79 CISG se nanaša le na oprostitev dolžnosti plačila odškodnine. Na ostala pravna sredstva, ki jih ima upnik po CISG, določba ne vpliva in je prost pri tem, da jih izvrši. Druga določba IV. odseka, i.e. čl. 80 CISG preprečuje, da bi se upnik skliceval na dolžnikovo neizpolnitev, če jo je povzročil sam s svojim dejanjem ali opustitvijo. Določba poleg odškodninske odgovornosti izključuje tudi druga pravna sredstva, ki jih CISG nudi upniku.
Keywords:CISG, oprostitev odgovornosti, kršitev pogodbe, neizpolnitev, odškodnina, ovira izven nadzora stranke, ravnanje ali opustitev upnika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Božič]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21299 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4287787 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.11.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of goods (CISG) is based on a principle of strict liability and it tends to performance of parties’ obligations. Therefore it only exceptionally, in strictly provided occasions, allows an exemption from liability for non-performance. Section IV. of chapter IV., i.e. Arts. 79 and 80 CISG provide under which conditions an exemption is granted. Art. 79 CISG enables an exemption to the promisor, who fails to perform any of his obligations if he proves that the failure was due to unforeseeable and insurmountable impediment beyond his control. If the failure to perform occurs as a consequence of non-performance of a third party, who was engaged by promisor to perform a part of or the entire contract, the promisor will be exculpated not only if he will prove that he is exempt on the grounds of impediment beyond his control, but he will further have to prove that the third party, who was entrusted to perform a part or the entire contract, also meets the criteria to be exempt. When the impediment will be only temporary, the exoneration will be granted for the time of its existence. For the promisee to be able to exercise remedies under CISG, he will have to be informed of the disturbances causing a non-performance or delayed performance. If the promisor neglects his duty to notify his promisee, he will be held liable for the possible damage that would occur due to his omission. Exemption under Art. 79 CISG concerns only promisee’s right to claim damages. Any other remedies remain intact. Art. 80 CISG prevents the promisee to rely on promisor’s failure to perform, to the extent that such failure was caused by his own act or omission. Under this article, the promisor is not only exempt for damages but he will be also precluded to claim any other remedies he has pursuant to the CISG.
Keywords:the CISG, exemption, breach of contract, non-performance, damages, impediment beyond control, act or omission of the promisee


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