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Authors:ID Rudolf, Denis (Author)
ID Ačko, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Rudolf_Denis_2011.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: ED994B30FF1F3B8C3916DDF0868502B3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a5789975-96c1-4117-aeaf-6c27eec50787
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Na vseh področjih tehnike je tehnološko merjenje že od nekdaj nepogrešljiva delovna osnova. Napredki v merjenju mnogokrat določajo razvojni čas raziskav in izdelavo. Okolje, v katerem se izvajajo kalibracije v kalibracijskem laboratoriju, je predpisano po standardu ISO/IEC 17025, po katerem je laboratorij tudi akreditiran. Posamezne vplive pa mora osebje laboratorija raziskati in njihov vpliv upoštevati v podani merilni negotovosti posameznega kalibracijskega postopka. V kalibracijskem laboratoriju v Sistemski tehniki, d.o.o., na Ravnah na Koroškem so že dalj časa akreditirani za kalibracijo metričnih navojnih obročev in metričnih navojnih trnov, zadnje čase pa se v industriji vse bolj pojavljajo tudi konični navoji. V nalogi je predstavljen postopek kalibracije koničnih navojnih kalibrov z metodo dveh kroglic na univerzalnem dolžinskem merilnem stroju. Ocena merilne negotovosti pri kalibraciji srednjega premera koničnega navojnega kalibra je bila izvedena s preskušanjem vplivov, kot so vplivi merilnega aparata, vpliv sile merjenja in vpliv merilca. Z velikim številom izvedenih meritev sem dobil rezultate preskusov in s pomočjo njih zapisal najmanjšo možno merilno negotovost. Konični navojni kaliber, ki sem ga uporabljal pri nalogi, je bil vključen tudi v mednarodno interkomparacijo LABCOM 2009, tako da sem za primerjavo rezultatov uporabil vrednosti iz interkomparacije.
Keywords:konični navoj, kaliber, umerjanje, sledljivost, merilna negotovost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Rudolf]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21158 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:15818262 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.01.2012
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Abstract:In all areas of technology a technological measuring has always been an essential working base. Advances in measurement often determinate research and development time of manufacture. Environmental conditions shell be such to facilitate correct performance of calibrations. Calibration laboratory is accredited by standard ISO 17025 in which also basic environmental conditions are given. Individual effects on calibrations and their impact in a given measurement uncertainty of each calibration procedure should be explored and considered by laboratory personnel. The calibration laboratory of Sistemska tehnika d.o.o. has been accredited for calibration of the metric screw plug gauges and metrical screw ring gauges from 1997. Recently in the industry appear also tapered threads. The task presents a calibration procedure for the calibration of the conical screw calibers with two balls method on universal length measuring machine. Calibration uncertainty for calibration of pitch diameter is made by testing the effects such as impact of ULM, force measuring impact and impact of the person, who performs the calibration. With a large number of measurements carried out, I get the test results and determinate the smallest possible measuring uncertainty. Taper screw caliber that I have used in the task, was also involved in international intercomparison LABCOM 2009, so I have used that results in my task.
Keywords:Taper screw, gauge, calibration, traceability, uncertainty of measurement


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