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Authors:ID Sijarto, Mateja (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Sijarto_Mateja_2011.pdf (199,11 KB)
MD5: D8BCB3C09A258EED0C633549EE1C1D90
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/641c7ad2-7f93-4afd-968c-7348fd6e6e3e
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Način pridelave navadne pire (Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell. subsp. spelta (Thell.) M.K.), še posebej gnojenje v ekološki pridelavi, zaradi pomanjkanja raziskav predstavlja dokaj nepojasnjeno področje za stroko, zato je namen tega dela pojasniti vpliv organskih gnojil in s tem dodanega dušika na rast, razvoj in tvorbo pridelka. Za namen raziskave je bil v letih 2010/2011 na njivah Univerzitetnega kmetijskega centra Pohorski dvor zasnovan poskus s štirimi gnojili (bučne pogače, Biosol, digestat in gnojevka) ter kontrolna parcela, ki ni bila pognojena v štirih ponovitvah v naključnem bloku. Proučevan je bil vpliv različnih organskih gnojil, dovoljenih v ekološki pridelavi, na nekatere morfološke lastnosti rastlin in klasa ter količino in kakovost pridelka navadne pire. Proučevani obravnavanji ne vplivata na število stebel, število klasov na m-2 in višino rastlin ter na parametre, vrednotene pri analizi klasa (dolžina klasa, število klaskov in število zrn na klas-1). Statistično značilen vpliv ima le odmerek dušika na maso zrn. Vrsta gnojila vpliva na odstotek vlage v zrnju, odmerek dušika pa na količino pridelka. V primeru gnojenja z bučnimi pogačami pridelek ni višji, je pa v tem primeru dodani dušik rastlina bolj učinkovito izkoristila – visoke vrednosti agronomske učinkovitosti (27,13 kg/m-2 plevencev kg N-1), v tleh pa je ostalo tudi manj mineralnega dušika (41,7 kg Nmin ha-1).
Keywords:pira, dušik, organska gnojila, ekološka pridelava
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-21137 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.11.2011
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Secondary language

Title:Growth and parameters of common spelt harvest in dependence of nitrogen supply in organic fertilizers
Abstract:The method of producing common spelt (Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell. subsp. spelta (Thell.) M.K.), especially fertilization in organic production because of the lack of researches presents a quite unexplained field for the profession, therefore the purpose of this work is to clarify the impact of organic fertilizers and thereby the added nitrogen on growth, development and production of the crop. For the purpose of the research was in the years 2010/2011 in the fields of the University Agricultural Center Pohorski dvor designed an experiment with four fertilizers (pumpkin cake, Biosol, digestate and slurry) and a control plot that was not fertilized in four replications in a random block. We studied the influence of various organic fertilizers that are allowed in organic production on some morphologic features of the plants and ear as well as on the quantity and quality of the common spelt harvest. The studied treatments do not affect the number of stems, number of ears per m², the height of the plants and the parameters, valued in the analysis (ear length, number of ears and number of grains per ear-1). Only the dose of nitrogen per grain mass has a statistically significant effect. Type of fertilizer affects the percentage of moisture in grains, and the nitrogen dose affects the amount of yields. Fertilisation based on pumpkin cake did not influence higher yields, but the added nitrogen was used more efficiently – high values of the agronomic performance (27,13 kg 5m-2 hulled grains kg N-1) and less mineral nitrogen in the soil (41,7 kg Nmin ha-1).
Keywords:common spelt, nitrogen, organic fertilizers, organic production


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