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Authors:ID Grabušnik, Anemari (Author)
ID Simonič, Marjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petrinić, Irena (Comentor)
ID Tkavc, Tina (Comentor)
Files:URL UNI_Grabusnik_Anemari_2011.pdf (2,95 MB)
MD5: F7DEB0CCF610B4E395060C43428A329F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/67e4f1ee-de35-402d-bcd6-ef8e1a3b0273
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Raziskava v okviru diplomskega dela temelji na proučevanju možnosti čiščenja odpadnih voda iz mesno-predelovalne industrije z ultrafiltracijsko (UF) laboratorijsko napravo s keramično membrano. Z omenjeno napravo smo želeli izboljšati kakovost odpadne vode z namenom, da bi jo lahko uporabili kot tehnološko vodo (hladilno in čistilno vodo). Tako bi znižali stroške taks, ki jih podjetje plačuje za odvajanje v javno kanalizacijo. Pri procesu UF s keramično membrano smo proučevali gostoto volumskega toka odpadne vode v odvisnosti od transmembranskega tlaka (TMP) in hitrost pretoka v odvisnosti od časa obratovanja pri različnih obratovalnih tlakih in pH-vrednost. Iz rezultatov obratovanja UF laboratorijske naprave smo določili mehanizem mašenja keramične membrane glede na padec gostote volumskega toka. Pred in po obdelavi odpadne vode z ultrafiltracijo smo spremljali fizikalne in kemijske parametre: pH-vrednost, temperaturo, prevodnost, motnost, kemijsko in biokemijsko potrebo po kisiku, določevali količino suspendiranih snovi, težkohlapnih lipofilnih snovi, proteinov, amonijev dušik in celotni fosfor. Ugotovili smo, da z UF laboratorijsko napravo učinkovito znižamo koncentracije vseh komponent odpadnih voda iz mesno-predelovalne industrije in tako vode po čiščenju ustrezajo mejnim vrednostim, ki so določene v slovenski zakonodaji (UL RS št. 45, leto 2007).
Keywords:mesno-predelovalna industrija, odpadne vode, ultrafiltracija, keramične membrane, mašenje in čiščenje membran, učinkovitost čiščenja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Grabušnik]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-20192 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:15369494 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.09.2011
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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Secondary language

Abstract:The context of the thesis is based on the studying of ultrafiltration (UF) laboratory device with a ceramic membrane for a wastewater treatment from meat-processing industry. The aim was to improve the quality of the effluent in order that it might be used again as process-water or for cleaning during different parts of production, this would reduce the cost of taxes paid by the company for discharging into public sewage-systems. The flux of wastewater through the UF ceramic membrane was studied as function of transmembrane pressure (TMP), and flow-velocity as a function of operating-time under various pressures, and various pH values. The fouling mechanisms on the ceramic membrane were determined from the operational measurements of the UF laboratory device according to the flux decline. Before and after wastewater treatment by UF, the following physical-chemical parameters were analyzed: pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, heavy-volatile lipophilic substances, protein, ammonium nitrogen and, the total amount of phosphorus. The effectiveness of treating wastewater from the meat-processing industry was determined based on the results of the analyses for individual parameters. The contents of all the parameters decreased significantly and they complied with the limits set out in the Slovenian legislation (Official gazette RS, 45, year 2007).
Keywords:meat-processing industry, wastewater, ultrafiltration, ceramic membrane, fouling and membranes cleaning, treatment efficiency


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