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Authors:ID Keček, Niko (Author)
ID Rijavec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kecek_Niko_2011.pdf (484,98 KB)
MD5: A451C35F41E781EC402A80E5F07D3D6E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/048423e9-30f8-49c4-8244-76cb75987eb2
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:POVZETEK Kmetijstvo je zelo pomembna gospodarska panoga vsake države, vendar spada v področje, ki je za mlajše generacije manj privlačno kot v preteklosti. Zaradi trenda drobitve in opustitve kmetijskih gospodarstev skozi zadnjih nekaj desetletij so bile države primorane sprejeti ukrepe za zaščito in ohranjanje kmetijske panoge in eden od teh ukrepov, mogoče celo najpomembnejši, je posebna ureditev dedovanja srednjih kmetij, saj so le-te pri nas najštevilčnejše in zraven gospodarske funkcije predstavljajo tudi pomembno ekološko in socialno dobrino. So pa te kmetije tudi najbolj ogrožene ravno zaradi nevarnosti drobitve, saj ob drobitvi potencialno hitro izgubijo možnost te funkcije dejansko ohranjati. Zakon o dedovanju kmetijskih gospodarstev je zakon, ki sledi načelom preprečitve drobitve srednjih kmetij in ohranjanja njihove gospodarske, socialne in ekološke funkcije ter omogoča prevzemnemu dediču kmetije, da tako kmetijo prevzame pod pogoji, ki so za njega (oz. njo) čim manj obremenjujoči. Eden izmed institutov, ki imajo funkcijo zmanjšanja obremenitve prevzemnega dediča je tudi prilagojen institut nujnega dednega deleža v teh postopkih, katerega razumevanje v tem kontekstu ni enako kot razumevanje nujnega dednega deleža po ZD, ampak je nujni dedni delež in posebna pravila glede le-tega v ZDKG, sopomenka za omejen zakonit delež. Omejen tako v smislu kroga upravičencev do uveljavljanja zakonitega dednega deleža (»nujnega« deleža po ZDKG), kot tudi višine, načina izplačila itd… V nalogi sem raziskal zakonsko podlago in materialno-pravne institute, ki so pomembni za dedovanje zaščitenih kmetij in določitev ter izračun nujnega dednega deleža v teh postopkih. Pregledal sem procesne določbe ter sodne odločbe in s pogovori iz prve roke dobil občutek za potek teh postopkov in uporabo teh določil v praksi. Spoznal sem, da je ureditev, čeprav ne brez napak in nekaterih odprtih vprašanj, funkcionalna in ustrezna za zagotavljanje postavljenih ciljev, čeprav po mojem mnenju kaže nekatere znake starejših družbenih sistemov (prisilnost) in ne izključujem možnosti, da bo v prihodnosti sledila trendom zagotavljanja večje svobode odločitve za stranke same.
Keywords:zaščitena kmetija, nujni delež, zdkg, zkz, dedno pravo, dedovanje, dedovanje zaščitene kmetije, dedovanje zaščitenih kmetij, izračun nujnega deleža, kmetijstvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Keček]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-19432 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4238891 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.07.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:SUMMARY Agriculture is a very important economic field of any country, but sadly, it is also a field less and less attractive to younger generations. Because of the growing trend of fragmentation and abandonment of agricultural holdings in the last few decades, countries have been forced to employ measures for protecting and upholding its agricultural industry and one of the these measures, perhaps the most important one, is a special arrangement of succession of middle-sized farms (agricultural holdings), for those are the most common in these parts and besides their economic function represent a very important ecological and social asset. As it happens, these farms are also the most endangered, mostly by the danger of fragmentation, as with it, they might quickly lose the ability to uphold those functions. Zakon o dedovanju kmetijskih gospodarstev (The law of the inheritance of agricultural holdings) is a law that follows the principles of the prevention of fragmentation of middle sized farms and the protection of their economic, social and ecologic functions and it enables the accepting heir of the farm to take the farm over under such conditions, that strain him as less as possible. One of the institutes that serve this function is the adapted institute of compulsory portion, the understanding of which, at least in this context, differs from the understanding of compulsory portion in matters of regular succession, and so the compulsory portion and the special rules applying to it within the ZDKG, is a synonym for a constricted legitimate portion. Constricted in the sense of the circle of people eligible and also in matters of size, payment method... In this thesis I have researched the legal basis and material institutes that are important for the succession of protected farms and the designation and calculation of the compulsory portion in these cases. I have looked over the procedural provisions and court rulings and have, through the method of interviewing, acquired first hand information about the procedure and the usage of these rules in practise. I have come to the conclusion that the this arrangement, albeit not without its flaws and open questions, is functional and appropriate as a means to ensure the fulfilment of the set goals, although it, in my opinion, still shows some signs of older social systems (compulsion) and I can not rule out the possibility that it will, in future, follow the trends of ensuring greater freedom of choice for the parties themselves.
Keywords:compulsory portion, succession, calculation of the compulsory portion, agricultural holdings, protected farms


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