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Title:Pogodba o prevozu blaga v cestnem prometu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Hočevar, Franci (Author)
ID Murtič, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Hocevar_Franci_i2011.pdf (1,95 MB)
MD5: A8386F4F259388F3B11E7938CA8850D8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5f3aca18-be11-4f02-9c9c-262540f1fa31
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Prevoz blaga v cestnem prometu je še vedno najbolj razširjen globalni pojav, ki je sicer dokaj dobro pravno urejen, se pa še vedno pojavljajo problemi, ki so pravne narave in ki jih je potrebno v čim krajšem času odpraviti, predvsem na področju mednarodnega prevoza. Pojavlja se vprašanje, ali v primeru Evropske unije veljajo enotna določila, ki veljajo za vse države članice Evropske unije, ali morda problematiko v prevozništvu ureja vsaka posamezna država z lastno zakonodajo? Prevozna pogodba je v celotnem procesu opravljanja storitve prevozništva zagotovo najpomembnejši dokument v komercialnih prevozih. Ustreznost le-te, glede na raznolikost in širino uporabe, pa je morda vprašljiva.
Keywords:prevozna pogodba, prevozništvo, organizacija prevozov
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[F. Hočevar]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18561 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512300605 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.05.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:Transport of goods by road is still the most widespread global phenomenon, which is fairly well regulated by law, but there are still some problems of legal nature which should be eliminated as soon as possible, especially in the field of international transport. The question arises whether in case of the European Union rules apply equally for all Member States of the European Union, or perhaps the problems in transportation are covered by each individual country with its own legislation? Transport contract in managing the transport services is certainly the most important document in commercial service. But the relevance of it by the diversity and breadth of application, may be questionable.
Keywords:transport contract, transport services, organizing transport


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