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Title:Mladinska kratka proza Marjana Tomšiča in Mateta Dolenca
Authors:ID Slapnik, Anja (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Slapnik_Anja_2011.pdf (1,47 MB)
MD5: 5FAFD05AD3721788ADE1964982F040C4
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/287137ef-c2e6-4476-afb2-b89c53e57ff4
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Mladinska kratka proza Marjana Tomšiča in Mateta Dolenca je bilo zapisano na podlagi analize petih zbirk dveh različnih avtorjev. Izbrali smo dve zbirki Marjana Tomšiča, in sicer Zgodbice o kačah in zbirko Kar je moje, je tudi tvoje ter tri zbirke Mateta Dolenca, te pa so Zabloda laboda in druge zgodbe, Polnočna kukavica in druge zgodbe ter Kraljičin lipicanec in druge zgodbe. Pri teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge je bil namen opredeliti pojem kratke proze. Z literarno-teoretskega vidika predstaviti izbrane kriterije za analizo in opredeliti teorijo kratke fantastične zgodbe, kratke realistične zgodbe, pravljice (klasične in sodobne) in pripovedke, ter predstaviti vlogo živali v različnih kratkoproznih vrstah. V delu diplomske naloge Obravnavana besedila je bil cilj analizirati besedila izbranih zbirk, podati ugotovitve analiz ter v sklepu zapisati ugotovitve skupnih značilnosti in razlik besedil obeh avtorjev. Diplomsko delo je teoretično, zato so bile temu primerno uporabljene tudi metode dela. Hipoteze so bile preverjene z uporabo deskriptivne metode dela pri opisu pojma kratka proza, predstavitvi kriterijev za analizo, opisu različnih vrst kratke proze, značilnostih vloge živali v različnih kratkoproznih vrstah in pri navajanju bibliografskih podatkov obeh avtorjev; z uporabo metode analize pri analiziranju besedil izbranih zbirk; z metodo sinteze, ki smo jo uporabili pri iskanju skupnih značilnostih in razlik besedil posamičnega avtorja ter iskanju podobnosti in razlik med obema avtorjema; komparativno metodo pa smo uporabili pri ugotovitvi vseh analiz besedil pri vsakem avtorju posebej in v sklepu, kjer smo primerjali dejstva in odnose ugotovitev analiz obeh avtorjev. S pomočjo teh raziskovalnih metod smo prišli do naslednjih rezultatov. Mladinska književnost je specifično področje literature. Vloga živali je odvisna od literarne vrste, v kateri se pojavi. Fantastična motivacija je jasno razmejena od realističnega dogajanja le v kratkih fantastičnih zgodbah. Prvoosebni pripovedovalec se v kratkih fantastičnih zgodbah zaveda vdora fantastične motivacije. Ko je žival v vlogi glavnega književnega lika, je njena vloga sekundarna, saj delno zavzame antropomorfno držo. Živali nimajo nikoli vnaprej določene vloge, kot je to značilno za basni, saj je vloga živali odvisna od literarne vrste, v kateri nastopa žival.
Keywords:mladinska kratka proza, sestava literarnega dela, pravljica, pripovedka, kratka fantastična zgodba, kratka realistična zgodba, fantastična motivacija, vloga živali
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Slapnik]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18280 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18504200 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.07.2011
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Secondary language

Title:Youth short stories by Marjan Tomšič and Mate Dolenc
Abstract:The bachelor’s thesis entitled Youth short stories by Marjan Tomšič and Mate Dolenc was composed based upon an analysis of five collections by the two authors. We chose two collections of short prose pieces by Marjan Tomšič, namely Zgodbice o kačah (Stories of Snakes) and Kar je moje, je tudi tvoje (What Is Mine Is Yours As Well) and three collections of short prose pieces by Mate Dolenc, namely Zabloda laboda in druge zgodbe (The Swan’s Mistake and Other Stories), Polnočna kukavica in druge zgodbe (The Midnight Cuckoo and Other Stories) and Kraljičin lipicanec in druge zgodbe (The Queen’s Lipizzaner and Other Stories). The purpose of the theoretical portion of this bachelor’s thesis was to define the term short prose, to present the chosen criteria for analysis from a literary and theoretical perspective, to define the theory of fantastic short stories, realistic short stories, fairytales (classic and modern) and narrative tales and to present the role of animals in various short prose types. In the portion of the bachelor’s thesis entitled Obravnavana besedila (Selected Texts), our goal was to analyse the pieces contained in the chosen collections, list the results of analyses and conclude by describing the findings regarding shared characteristics and variations in both authors’ texts. Since the bachelor’s thesis is theoretical, appropriate methods of work were used. Hypotheses were verified using the descriptive method of work in describing the concept of short prose, presenting the analysis criteria, describing various types of short prose, describing the characteristics of animal roles in various types of short prose and listing the bibliographic data regarding both authors. The method of analysis was used to analyse texts in the chosen collections. The method of synthesis was used in identifying the shared characteristics and variations in texts by individual authors and in identifying similarities and variations between the two authors. The comparative method was used in all text analyses for individual authors and in the conclusion, where we compared facts and relationships in the analysis results for both authors. Using these research methods, the following results were obtained. Youth literature is a specific field of literature. The role of animals depends upon the literary type in which they appear. Fantastic motivation is clearly separated from realistic events only in fantastic short stories. The first-person narrator in fantastic short stories is aware of the invasion of fantastic motivation. When the leading literary character is an animal, its role as an animal is secondary, because it takes on a partly anthropomorphic posture. Unlike in fables, the role of animals is never determined in advance, because the role of animals depends upon the literary type in which they appear.
Keywords:youth short prose, composition of a literary work, fairytale, narrative tale, fantastic short story, realistic short story, fantastic motivation, role of animals


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