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Authors:ID Györkös, Ana (Author)
ID Volčič, Zala (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivanišin, Marko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Gyorkos_Ana_2011.pdf (1,54 MB)
MD5: 7D8C80FB2AB3EFC0C5207A06D4EDD5F1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/596499ed-8246-4bce-89d2-d8c4ebb44a35
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Reprezentacijo Vzhodne Evrope v zahodnih in britanskih medijih že od razsvetljenstva naprej zaznamuje barbarizem kot nasprotje civiliziranosti. Vzhodna Evropa je “drugi”. V delu ugotavljamo, da sta k temu precej prispevala tudi zahodni kolonializem in sovjetska nadvlada. Preučevanje teoretskih virov o zgodovini Vzhodne Evrope (npr. del Marie Todorove in Larryija Wolfa) pokaže, da je to območje še vedno videno skozi prizmo predsodkov in stereotipov. Celo sodobnim konceptom, kot je koncept združene Evrope lahko spodleti pred etnocentrizmom, saj so države članice z vzhoda pretežno videne kot vir poceni delovne sile za članice na zahodu. V času vse večje krize identitete tradicionalnih medijev in stopnjevanja globalnega kapitalizma britanski mediji Vzhodno Evropo pokrivajo pretežno z gospodarskimi in manj s političnimi analizami. Poleg tega je poročanje britanskih novinarjev močno obarvano z zaskrbljenostjo glede naraščajoče imigracije iz vzhodnoevropskih držav. V nalogi ugotavljamo, da je trenutna reprezentacija Vzhodne Evrope v britanskih medijih na razpotju, na katerem po eni strani ekonomska kriza ogroža že tako omejen obseg poročanja, po drugi strani pa naraščajoči obseg državljanskega novinarstva ob vse boljših tehničnih možnostih ponuja nove priložnosti, da bi lahko Zahod uzrl Vzhod v novi luči
Keywords:Vzhodna Evropa, Zahodna Evropa, stereotipi, sodbe, etnocentrizem, mediji.
Place of publishing:London
Publisher:[A. Györkös]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18166 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:15203862 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.05.2011
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Secondary language

Abstract:The representation of Eastern Europe within the West, and within British media, extends back to Enlightenment ideas of barbarity versus civilisation. Our thesis finds that the ages of Western colonialism and Soviet supremacy did little to alter these concepts, instead solidifying the idea of the region as a nearby yet thoroughly unfamiliar ‘Other’. Our study of theoretical work on the history of Eastern Europe shows that it continues to be viewed through the prism of the historical prejudices and stereotypes outlined by scholars such as Maria Todorova and Larry Wolff. Even modern political achievements such as the concept of a united Europe can fall prey to this ethnocentrism, with many countries in the East seen as providing low-cost labour forces for the West and little more. More recently, the traditional media’s identity crisis and the continued march of global capitalism means that British media coverage of Eastern Europe increasingly takes the form of economic, rather than political, analyses. Concerns about rising levels of immigration, meanwhile, has also had an effect on British journalists’ coverage of the region. The thesis concludes that the representation of Eastern Europe within the British media can now be said to be at something of a crossroads, with the economic crisis jeopardising the already-limited levels of coverage, yet the rise of citizen journalism and increasing technical convergence providing the chance for the West to see the region in a new light.
Keywords:Eastern Europe, Western Europe, stereotype, prejudice, ethnocentrism, journalism.


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