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Authors:ID Drmota, Tamara (Author)
ID Ferjan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: AEC90305C72E8C0110DF4831CF6FE468
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5fb6176a-ef89-4098-ae0c-da0b72b1f93d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Družba Mobitel, telekomunikacijske storitve, d. d. je gospodarska družba, ki se pomena izobraževanja in s tem zadovoljstva zaposlenih pri opravljanju zaupanih nalog zelo dobro zaveda, saj za področje izobraževanja skrbi Oddelek za izobraževanje in razvoj (že samo ime nakazuje nujno povezavo med izobraževanjem in razvojem). V nalogi sem želela prikazati, kje in kako poteka proces izobraževanja v družbi Mobitel, in to od evidentiranja znanj, ki jih imajo zaposleni, do ugotavljanja njihovih potreb v okviru priprave letnih izobraževalnih planov, zagotavljanja sredstev za njihovo realizacijo in načine izvajanja izobraževanj (eksterna, interna, klasična, e-izobraževanja..). Na začetku diplomske naloge - v splošnem sklopu o izobraževanju - se bom osredotočila na definicijo izobraževanja kot eno najpomembnejših kadrovskih funkcij. V tem delu bom predstavila pomen izobraževanja v sodobni družbi. Nadaljevala bom s predstavitvijo oblik in metod izobraževanja. Predstavila bom pomen planiranja, načrtovanja in organiziranja izobraževanja v podjetju, merjenje rezultatov ter nagrajevanje. V četrtem poglavju bodo predstavljene izobraževalne dejavnosti v podjetju Mobitel d.d. Podjetje bom predstavila kot družbo in v intervjuju z vodjo Oddelka za izobraževanje in razvoj čim bolj podrobno opisala funkcijo oddelka. V petem poglavju bom nalogo navezala na ugotovitve iz anketnega vprašalnika, ki ga bom izvedla med sedemdesetimi zaposlenimi v vseh organizacijskih enotah družbe. Iz ankete nameravam ugotoviti, kdo od zaposlenih je motiviran za izobraževanje, kakšno je njihovo mnenje o tem in o organizaciji ter vpliv tega na njihovo delo. V zaključnem delu bom strnila vse svoje ugotovitve v zvezi z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih z izobraževanjem, ki jim ga nudi družba, hkrati pa na podlagi njihovih mnenj in analize dejanskega stanja pripravila predloge oziroma pobude za izboljšave na področju izvajanja izobraževanja.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: izobraževanje, učenje, Mobitel d. d.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18148 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6883091 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.08.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:Mobitel is a company which is seriously aware of education and satisfaction of the employees in dealing with trusted tasks since the Department of Education and Development takes care of mentioned domain (the name itself reflects the connection between education and development). In my Diploma Thesis I wanted to show where and how education process goes on in the Company of Mobitel from recording of knowledge of employees to defining their needs within preparing of annual education plans, ensuring means for their realisations and ways of accomplishing of educational processes (external, internal, classical, e-learning, etc.) At the beginning of Diploma Thesis, in general part regarding education, I will focus on definition of education as one of the most important functions of personnel management. In this part I will introduce the meaning of education in modern society continuing with presentation of educational forms and methods. I will also introduce the meaning of education planning, education design, organisation of education processes, measuring of results and rewarding. In the fourth part there will be educational activities presented within Mobitel Company. I will present the firm as a company and present function of Department of Education and Development in details interviewing the of mentioned department. In fifth part I will refer to findings based on questionnaire accomplished with seventy employees in all organizational units of the company. From the survey I want to find out who is motivated for education, employees' opinions regarding education, how education processes influence their work. In the final part I will gather all my findings regarding employees' satisfaction as far as educational activities are concerned within the company. At the same time I will prepare suggestions or initiatives on the field of accomplishment of education function based on employees' opinions and analyses of actual condition.
Keywords:education, learning, Mobitel Company


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