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Authors:ID Tisnikar, Renata (Author)
ID Rosi, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Sternad, Marjan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Tisnikar_Renata_2011.pdf (1,86 MB)
MD5: B2B85048E3E77A0BE2EE1CC0730F1D8B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6b65fb34-8ca8-41e5-8d2c-9b229139c065
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V cestnem prometu se opravlja veliko prevozov za tovor, ki z dimenzijami ali masami skupaj z vozilom presegajo zakonsko dovoljene omejitve običajnih prevozov. V tem primeru govorimo o izrednih prevozih. Pri izrednih prevozih v cestnem prometu se pojavljajo problemi, ki otežijo samo izvedbo izrednega prevoza in ogrožajo cestno varnost. Problemi so neupoštevanje izrednih prevozov iz strani udeleženih v prometu, prometna infrastruktura ter vremenski vplivi, ki negativno vplivajo na razmere na cestah. Raziskava se bo osredotočila na izredne prevoze v cestnem prometu, in sicer na organizacijo in tehnično pripravo izrednih prevozov, na predpise, ki urejajo izvajanje cestnih prevozov, na prometno varnost izrednih prevozov, na dovoljenja za izredne prevoze, ter na sam potek in izvedbo izrednega prevoza v cestnem prometu. Osredotočili se bomo na problem neupoštevanja izrednih prevozov udeležencev v prometu, prikazali potek izrednega prevoza, ter poskusili predstaviti esenco problematike, ter nakazati možnost rešitve. Predpostavljamo, da so udeleženci v cestnem prometu premalo seznanjeni z izrednimi prevozi in njihovim potekom.
Keywords:cestni promet, izredni prevozi, prometna infrastruktura, organizacija izrednih prevozov, prometna varnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18126 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:In road traffic, numerous transport services are provided which fall outside legal limitations in relation to the cargo's dimensions or weight (including the vehicle itself). In this case we speak about special transportation. In the event of special transportation different problems occur which pose a risk to road safety. These are: non-compliance of special transportation regulations by other participants in road traffic; traffic infrastructure and weather conditions which have a negative impact on circumstances on the roads. The research focuses on special transportations in road traffic, and especially on the organization of such transportations and technical requirements related thereto; regulations governing special transportations; road safety; licences as well as the procedure and the implementation of such transportations. The paper focuses on the problem of non-compliance of special transportation regulations by other participants in road traffic, gives a description of a special transportation procedure, deals with the gist of the problem and also outlines possible solutions. My assumption is that other participants in road traffic have insufficient knowledge about special transportation and the implementation thereof.
Keywords:road traffic, special transports, traffic infrastructure, organization of special transportations, traffic safety


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