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Title:Možnost uporabe soje, oljnih hibridov koruze in rička v proizvodnji biodizla : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Brglez, Monika (Author)
ID Knez, Željko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Samec, Niko (Comentor)
ID Čeh, Barbara (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Brglez_Monika_i2011.pdf (3,44 MB)
MD5: 2F611C54F2ACC4E7695F9F05CDA89798
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/15a7a71d-6f53-4a74-89fb-d2e2c6a9c5d3
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Biodizelsko gorivo prispeva k zmanjšanju emisij škodljivih snovi v ozračje, poleg tega pa ne zahteva večjih posegov v že obstoječe dizelske motorje. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti možnost uporabe soje, oljnih hibridov koruze in rička v proizvodnji biodizla in sicer ugotoviti pridelek, vsebnost olja v semenu (ISO 659:1998) in pridelek olja na enoto površine v naših pedoklimatskih razmerah ter preučiti kemijsko sestavo olja. Določiti jodno število po metodi SIST EN ISO 3961:2000, kislinsko število po metodi SIST EN ISO 660:2000 in količino ter vrsto maščobnih kislin povzeto po Hamiltonu & Hamilton (1992) ter primerjavo s standardi. V raziskavo sta bili vključeni po dve sorti oziroma hibrida vsake oljnice. V pridelku semena in v pridelku olja sta se kot najuspešnejša pokazala oba hibrida koruze. Najmanjši pridelek semena in pridelek olja je bil dosežen pri ričku, med oljnima hibridoma koruze in ričkom je bila soja. Vsebnost olja je bila po pričakovanju največja pri obeh sortah rička in najmanjša pri obeh hibridih koruze. Srednji izplen olja smo dokazali pri obeh sortah soje. Olje koruze ni presegalo standarda v vsebnosti linolenske kisline in jodnega števila. Največjo težavo predstavlja torej prekoračena vrednost kislinskega števila, kar posledično pomeni večje število prostih maščobnih kislin. Olje rička vsebuje preveliko količino linolenske kisline. Preseženi sta tudi vrednosti jodnega in kislinskega števila. Sojino olje ima nizko vsebnost prostih maščobnih kislin ter visoko jodno število. Zato ga je možno uporabljati samo v kombinaciji z drugimi olji. V skladu s standardom SIST EN 14214 nobena izmed izbranih poljščin povsem ne ustreza zahtevanim kriterijem. Z analizo vsebnosti težkih kovin v tleh in rastlinskem materialu je bilo dokazano, da je bioakumulacija zelo nizka oz. v olju zanemarljiva.
Keywords:soja, oljni hibridi koruze, riček, biodizel gorivo, oljnice, proizvodnja biodizla
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Brglez]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18108 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:14911766 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.04.2011
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Title:Possibilities for soybean, oil hybrids of maize and false flax use in biodiesel production
Abstract:Biodiesel contributes to reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and it does not require major intervention in existing diesel engines. The aim of this thesis was to determine the possibility of using soybeans, oil maize hybrids and false flax in biodiesel production, namely to determine the yield, oil content seed (ISO 659:1998) and oil yields per unit area in our soil and climate conditions, to examine oil chemical composition, to determine Iodine number by the method of SIST EN ISO 3961:2000, an acid number according to the method SIST EN ISO 660:2000, the quantity and type of fatty acid adapted from Hamilton & Hamilton (1992) and comparison with standards. In the survey were included two of each variety or hybrid oilseeds. Both hybrid maize have shown as the most successful in the yield of seed and oil yield. The minimum yield of seed and oil yield was achieved in Gold of pleasure. Between the hybrids and Gold of pleasure was soybean. The oil content was, as expected, the greatest in the two varieties of Camelina sativa and the least in the two hybrids of maize. In between were the two soybean varieties. Corn oil did not exceed the standard in the content of linolenic acid and iodine number. The largest problem is therefore the exceeded value of acid number, resulting in greater FFA number. Camelina sativa oil contains too much linolenic acid. In such a biodiesel methyl ester would be more than 12% of linolenic acid of the total weight, which is above the standard for biodiesel. Exceeded are also the values of the iodine and acid number. Soybean oil has a low content of free fatty acids and high iodine number. Therefore, it can only be used in combination with other oils. In accordance with the SIST EN 14214 none of the selected species completely complies with the required criteria. Analysis of heavy metals in soil and plant material proved, that bioaccumulation is very low.
Keywords:soybean, oil hybrids of maize, false flax, biodiesel fuels, biodiesel production


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