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Authors:ID Paulič, Metka (Author)
ID Marhl, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grubelnik, Vladimir (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Paulic_Metka_2011.pdf (6,65 MB)
MD5: 595D59D7FA205A6E8F6A011A3B11B6BB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b55ea4f0-40d7-4177-9352-8f752039c697
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problematiko onesnaževanja okolja, še posebej problem globalnega segrevanja ozračja. Raziskava je razdeljena na tri dele. V prvem delu smo proučevali poznavanje vzrokov in posledic onesnaževanja okolja, hkrati pa tudi poznavanje morebitnih rešitev za preprečevanje onesnaževanja. Osredotočili smo se na regionalno problematiko, vendar je raziskava pokazala, da anketiranci ne privilegirajo svojega sektorja onesnaževanja, so pa z onesnaževanjem okolja dobro seznanjeni. V drugem delu smo se osredotočili na razumevanje problematike globalnega segrevanja ozračja. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so ljudje o tej tematiki že slišali, jo poznajo, vendar je ne razumejo. Pri tem bolj poznajo posledice globalnega segrevanja ozračja glede na vzroke, saj so jim lahko priča v vsakdanjem življenju. Ker vemo, da je celoten proces globalnega segrevanja ozračja precej kompleksen in da je učencem razredne stopnje potrebno predstaviti tematiko na njim primeren način, smo se v tretjem delu raziskave osredotočili na učitelje in njihovo poznavanje obravnavane problematike. Ugotovili smo, da imajo tudi učitelji težave z razumevanjem procesa globalnega segrevanja ozračja, kar pa prinese tudi težave pri razlagi tega pojava učencem. Omenjeni rezultati so nas vzpodbudili k izdelavi celovitega modela poučevanja, v katerem smo se osredotočili na ključne parametre vzrokov in posledic globalnega segrevanja ozračja. Posledice anketiranci sicer poznajo, vendar jih ne znajo povezati z vzroki. V modelu poučevanja smo podali tudi nekaj primerov izvedb učnih ur s konkretnimi napotki, učnimi listi in uporabnimi spletnimi stranmi. Ob koncu smo z računalniškim programom nakazali še preproste povezave posameznih vzrokov in posledic. Prepričani smo, da bo model poučevanja v pomoč učiteljem pri njihovem delu, hkrati pa bo pripomogel k celostnemu razumevanju globalnega segrevanja ozračja, kar je pogoj za ohranjanje narave tudi prihajajočim generacijam.
Keywords:razredni pouk, onesnaževanje okolja, globalno segrevanje ozračja, model poučevanja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Paulič]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-18051 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18361864 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.05.2011
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of educational content about global warming into the teaching lessons of natural sciences and technology
Abstract:This master’s thesis discusses the problems of environment pollution, especially the problem of global warming. In the first part we were concentrated on the knowledge of causes and effects of environmental pollution, and at the same time also on the possible solutions for preventing pollution. The focal point were then the regional problems, though the research showed that the people asked do not grant the privilege to their pollution sector, but are, however, aware of the environmental pollution. The second part deals with the understanding of the global warming problems. The analysis of the results has shown that people have heard of these problems, and that they know them, but do not understand them. Thus they know better the effects of global warming regarding the causes, as they witness them in everyday life. As we know the complex nature of the whole process of global warming and that the pupils on the primary level should be introduced to the topics in an appropriate way, we focused in the third part on the teachers and their knowledge of the subject in question. We found out that even teachers have difficulties in understanding the process of global warming which adds to the problems when explaining the process to the pupils. These results encouraged us to produce an integrated teaching model in which the key parameters of causes and effects of global warming were put into centre. Even though, the people asked know the effects they cannot tie them back to the causes. The teaching model comprises also some examples of lessons with actual directions, work sheets, and useful web pages. At the end we showed some simple connections between single causes and effects using a computer programme. We hold the opinion that this teaching model will of great help to the teachers at work, and will contribute to the understanding of the global warming as a whole, which is the proviso for nature preservation also for future generations.
Keywords:class teaching, environmental pollution, global warming, teaching model


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