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Authors:ID Horvat, Sanja (Author)
ID Potočnik, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ožinger, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Horvat_Sanja_2011.pdf (4,91 MB)
MD5: 0482CBA50709D3F40DE857C6E3E88557
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/19492d92-1b27-46a5-90c2-77e5cd0d4c9d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomska naloga obravnava kulturno-prosvetne dejavnosti v občini Markovci po drugi svetovni vojni. Predstavljeno je pestro kulturno udejstvovanje, ki se je po drugi svetovni vojni močno okrepilo in je danes razvejano po celotnem območju občine. Kulturni utrip iz preteklosti je v diplomski nalogi nadgrajen s kulturnim utripom sedanjosti. Prebivalci občine Markovci živijo in dihajo s kulturo, obenem pa jih notranje bogati, zato ni nič čudnega, da je kar nekaj društev dočakalo častitljivo starost. Že pred vojno so se ljudje na naših tleh vključevali v pevske, folklorne, dramske in podobne skupine. Društva, ki so delovala pred prihodom okupatorja, so svoje ponovno rojstvo obeležila takoj po vojni. Godba na pihala, Folklorno društvo Anton-Jože Štrafela ter Moški pevski zbor Kulturnega društva Alojz Štrafela Markovci zagotovo beležijo najstarejšo in hkrati najbogatejšo tradicijo. Tudi Kulturno društvo Bukovci in Prosvetno društvo Prvenci-Strelci sta ponosni na svoje dolgoletno udejstvovanje na kulturnem področju. Med mlajša, a zato nič manj dejavna društva, sodita etnografski društvi Korant Markovci in Tradicija Borovci; sem pa prištevamo tudi Kulturno-umetniško društvo Markovski zvon. Nobenega dvoma ni, da kriza sodobnega načina življenja kulturi ni v pomoč, pa vendar se ob vseh društvih in njihovih zagnanih privržencih ni treba bati za razvoj kulture v prihodnjih letih. Prav gotovo bodo lahko naslednji rodovi občudovali kulturno mavrico današnjih dni.
Keywords:kulturno-prosvetne dejavnosti, občina Markovci, društva, kultura.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Horvat]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17818 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18265608 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.04.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:The undergraduate dissertation discusses the cultural-educational activities in the Markovci municipality after World War II. It describes the diverse cultural activity which became stronger after World War II and is today spread throughout the entire area of the municipality. In the undergraduate dissertation the cultural events of the past are upgraded with the cultural events of today. The residents of the Markovci municipality live and breathe with the culture which at the same time brings them personal enrichment. Therefore it is not unusual that quite a few of the associations reached a respectable age. Even before the war people took part in choral, folklore, theatre and similar groups. Associations that were active before the war were revived immediately after the war. The wind band, the folklore association “Anton-Jože Štrafela” and the men's choir of the cultural association “Alojz Štrafela” Markovci definitely have the oldest and at the same time the richest tradition. The cultural association Bukovci and the educational association Prvenci-Strelci are proud of their long-time activity in the cultural field as well. The younger but not less active associations are the ethnographic associations Korant Markovci and Tradicija Borovci. A place among them also belongs to the cultural and art association Markovski zvon. Without a doubt, the crisis of the modern way of life is not of any help to the cultural life. However, with all the associations and their eager members there is no need to worry about the cultural development in the following years. The generations to come will surely admire the cultural spectrum of today.
Keywords:cultural-educational activities, Markovci municipality, societies, culture.


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