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Title:Vpliv antioksidantov na oksidativno stabilnost biodizla
Authors:ID Stojnšek, Martin (Author)
ID Muršec, Bogomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Stojnsek_Martin_2011.pdf (424,04 KB)
MD5: 8B3C05D10712D42EEEA249D94F9E5783
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/01a69f73-d5be-4791-9b95-7e1dd9e17246
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Oksidativna stabilnost biodizla je pomemben faktor, saj so metilni estri maščobnih kislin bolj občutljivi na oksidacijski razkroj kot mineralna goriva. Zato je v zadnji evropski specifikaciji za biodizel določena minimalna vrednost 6 h za indukcijsko obdobje pri 110 °C, merjeno z instrumentom Rancimat. Za zagotovitev te vrednosti je potrebna uporaba dodatnih antioksidantov. V diplomskem delu je prikazan vpliv različnih sintetičnih antioksidantov na oksidativno stabilnost, z uporabo Rancimat metode. Raziskan je bil biodizel, proizveden iz oljne ogrščice in soje glede na pet sintetičnih antioksidantov: Baynox plus, BHT, BHA, Baynox in Vitablend bioprotect 350. Najbolj je proces oksidacije upočasnil Vitablend bioprotect 350 in sicer za približno 20 ur, medtem ko so ostali štirje antioksidanti upočasnili proces oksidacije za približno 8 do 10 ur.
Keywords:antioksidanti, biodizel, metilni ester maščobnih kislin, indukcijsko obdobje, oksidativna stabilnost, Rancimat
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17518 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.02.2011
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of antioxidants on the oxidation stability of biodiesel
Abstract:Oxidation stability of biodiesel is an important issue because fatty acid methyl esters are more sensitive to oxidative degradation than mineral fuel. Therefore, in the most recent European Specifications for biodiesel, a minimum value of 6 h for the induction period at 110 °C, measured with a Rancimat instrument, is specified. To guarantee this value the use of additional antioxidants is necessary. In diploma we show the influence of different synthetic antioxidants on the oxidation stability, using the Rancimat method. Biodiesel produced from rapeseed oil and sunflower oil was tested regarding to five synthetic antioxidants: Baynox plus, BHT, BHA, Baynox and Vitablend bioprotect 350. Vitablend bioprotect 350 produced the greatest delay in the induction period, about 20 hours while the other four compounds produced a delay for around 8 to 10 hours.
Keywords:antioxidants, biodiesel, fatty acid methyl esters, induction period, oxidation stability, Rancimat


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