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Title:Analiza poslovanja izletniške kmetije
Authors:ID Simonič, Alenka (Author)
ID Turk, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pažek, Karmen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Simonic_Alenka_2011.pdf (698,66 KB)
MD5: D014489AF098E235F0360BDCBE4F2ACA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ceb18718-05a7-4d7b-abb5-8da25c9fc668
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati poslovanje izletniške kmetije in definirati profil potrošnika. V ta namen je bila predhodno pripravljena in izvedena anketa med obiskovalci kmetije. S to anketo smo hoteli izvedeti, kakšen je profil obiskovalca izletniške kmetije. Ugotovili smo, da je povprečen obiskovalec kmetije star med 18 in 36 let in ima dokončano V. stopnjo izobrazbe. Največ obiskovalcev je domačinov, večina bi na tej kmetiji na dan porabila do 50 €. V nadaljevanju smo se v raziskavi osredotočili na ekonomsko analizo dveh najbolj prodajanih proizvodov na izletniški kmetiji — vino sorte 'Chardonnay' in gibanico. Osnovno orodje v tem delu raziskave sta bila predhodno razvita simulacijska modela za oba proizvoda, s katerima so se ocenjevali osnovni ekonomski indikatorji. Finančni rezultat (FR) za gibanico znaša 306,40 €; koeficient ekonomičnosti (Ke) 1,05. Pri vinu sorte 'Chardonnay' je finančni rezultat (FR) 2.907,98 €; koeficient ekonomičnosti (Ke) pa 1,43. Ocenjene vrednosti parametrov kažejo, da sta oba proizvoda za izletniško kmetijo z ekonomskega vidika vsekakor zanimiva.
Keywords:izletniška kmetija, profil potrošnika, simulacijski model, gibanica, ′Chardonnay′
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17517 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.02.2011
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Secondary language

Title:Excursion farm bussines analysis
Abstract:The objective of this research was to analyze economic operation of the excursion farm and to define the consumer profile. For this to achieve we have prepared a questionnaire for the visitors of the farm. With this questionnaire we wanted to determine how a consumer profile looks like. We have established that an average visitor is between 18 and 36 years old and has a High School diploma. The majority of the visitors are locals, most of them would spend up to 50 € per day. Later in the research we focused on economic analysis of the two best selling products at the excursion farm-′Chardonnay′ wine and 'gibanica cake'. Basic tools in this part of the research were two simulation models for both products which were made before the research. These models helped to evaluate basic economic indicators. Financial result (FR) for 'gibanica cake' is 306,40 €, the economy coefficient (Ke) is 1,05. The financial result (FR) for ′Chardonnay′ is 2907,98 € and the economy coefficient (Ke) is 1,43. Estimated values of these parameters show that for the excursion farm both products are very interesting from an economic point of view.
Keywords:excursion farm, consumer profile, simulation model, 'gibanica cake', ′Chardonnay′


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