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Authors:ID Potočnik, Anamarija (Author)
ID Flere, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Potocnik_Anamarija_2011.pdf (498,19 KB)
MD5: 0C91BE679B97A16647EF4271ED10DB85
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bece767d-1fce-4ff8-a76e-db1d44cf0bb5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Srbski mit o Kosovu je del nacionalne identitete Srbov. Cilj diplomskega dela je osvetliti proces nastanka mita, ga definirati, analizirati in pojasniti, kako vpliva na politični, verski in kulturni vidik življenja Srbov ter primerjati kosovski mit z osnovo krščanstva, pri čemer je potrebno poudariti motiv izdaje. Poleg motiva izdaje je koren kosovskega mita tudi motiv junaštva, znotraj katerega sta upravičeno najbolj izpostavljena knez Lazar in Miloš Obilić. Oba se uvrščata med najpomembnejše osebnosti v srbski zgodovini. Mit o Kosovu je postal ključen politični mit v postsocialistični Srbiji, saj so se nacionalistično usmerjene politične stranke naslonile nanj z namenom postati glavna politična sila. Pri tem so se povezale s Srbsko pravoslavno cerkvijo, saj je ta skozi stoletja podrejenosti Otomanskemu cesarstvu zasedala vlogo varuha srbske nacionalne kulture in tradicije. Pomembnost njene vloge je v tem, da je zasnovala kolektivno zavest in ideološki okvir srbskega naroda. Iz vsega tega je jasno, da mit o Kosovu povezuje politiko in religijo v Srbiji.
Keywords:Srbski mit o Kosovu, Lazarjev kult, Obilićev kult, mitizacija, Srbska pravoslavna cerkev, zaobljuba Kosovu, svetosavlje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Potočnik]
Year of publishing:2011
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17174 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18114056 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.01.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:The Serbian myth of Kosovo is a part of the Serbian national identity. The aim of this diploma thesis is to explain how the Serbian myth of Kosovo was created and how it influenced the political, religious and cultural aspects of the life of the Serbs. Its aim is also to define the Serbian myth of Kosovo and to compare the Serbian myth of Kosovo to the base of Christianity where we need to emphasize the motif of betrayal. The two roots of the Serbian myth of Kosovo are the motif of betrayal and motif of heroism. Princ Lazar and Miloš Obilić are the main characters of the motif of heroism and thus two of the most important characters in Serbian history. The nationalist-leaning political party used the myth of Kosovo as a crucial political myth in post socialistic Serbia in order to become a major political force. They cooperated with the Serbian Orthodox Church because Serbian Orthodox church was a guardian of Serbian national culture and traditions in the centuries of subordination to the Ottoman rule. Church was therefore a creator of the collective consciousness and the ideological framework of the Serbian nation. From the previously written it is clear that the myth of Kosovo is in common to the Serbian politics and religion.
Keywords:Serbian myth of Kosovo, Saint Lazar's cult, Miloš Obilić's cult, Mythisation, Serbian Orthodox Church, Kosovo vow, Saintsavaism


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