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Authors:ID Juvan, Anja (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Juvan_Anja_2010.pdf (4,60 MB)
MD5: 1DAD8D9E58DF57CD5B4F35A4339D9CAF
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/582d2fa3-327e-439e-9704-6e284100f6e1
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V tem diplomskem delu sem pisala o pravnem institutu vzpostavitve zemljiškoknjižne listine, ki je tipičen za slovenski pravni red in v enaki obliki ne obstaja v nobenem izmed drugih pravnih redov. Kot je razvidno iz samega imena instituta, ta spada v zemljiškoknjižno pravo in posledično v stvarno pravo. V začetku sem pisala o temeljnih sedmih načelih zemljiškoknjižnega prava, ki je formalno pravo in sestoji iz kogentnih pravnih norm. Opisala sem institut vzpostavitve zemljiškoknjižne listine, ki se uporabi, ko predlagatelj nima vseh potrebnih dokumentov za veljaven vpis v zemljiško knjigo, ker so se ti izgubili ali uničili. V takšni situaciji sodišče vzpostavi listino, ki predlagatelju omogoči, da svojo stvarno pravico lahko vpiše v zemljiško knjigo. Seveda pa zakon določa pogoje pod katerimi se lahko takšna vzpostavitev izvede. V drugem delu diplomske naloge sem opisala dejanski primer, kjer se je večkrat uporabilo vzpostavitev zemljiškoknjižne listine.
Keywords:vzpostavitev zemljiškoknjižne listine, ZZK-1, SPZ, temeljna načela, predlog, oklic o začetku postopka vzpostavitve zemljiškoknjižne listine, izpodbojna tožba, posadna listina, SPB-1 Domžale
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Juvan]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-17126 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4169259 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.12.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:In my diploma I wrote about a legal institution which is typical for the slovenian legal order and does not exist in the same form in any other legal oreder. The best translation for the name of described institution is »The restoration of a land document«. As it is obvious from the name itself, this institution is a part of land registery law and therfore also a part of law of property. Firstly I wrote about the main seven principles of the land registery law, which is highly formal and mostly consists of compulsory legal rules. In that contecst I described the institution of restoration of a land document which is used when one does not have all the documents necessary for valid entry in the land register, that is when one or more documents needed are lost or destroyed. In that kind of situation the court restores the needed document and allowes the applicant to enter his or her right in rem into the land register. Of course the law prescribes assumptions which need to be satisfied in order to reach that kind of effect. In the second part of the diploma I described an actual case in which the institution of the restoration of a land document was used several times.
Keywords:estoration of a document, land document, registery law, law of property, principles of registery law, SPB-1 Domžale


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