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Title:Analiza skladiščnega procesa v podjetju Intereuropa, d.d., PE Celje : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Tržan, Damjan (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Potrč, Iztok (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Trzan_Damjan_i2010.pdf (2,81 MB)
MD5: 921AE581BC2C5CCA526517E3D3F8F47A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/37daf4b6-b572-49a3-bb37-861f8cd877e9
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza skladiščnega procesa v podjetju Intereuropa, d. d., filiala Celje. Osredotočili smo se na skladiščne procese, ki jih Intereuropa izvaja za potrebe podjetja Biesterfeld Interowa. Gre za prejem, skladiščenje in izdajo plastičnih odlitkov oziroma granulata, ki se uporablja za izdelavo veliko različnih vrst plastičnih izdelkov. Plastični odlitki so pakirani v papirnate ali plastične vreče od 25 kilogramov do 1 tone. V okviru diplomske naloge smo predstavili teoretične osnove logistike in skladiščnega poslovanja. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali obstoječe stanje v skladišču in na koncu podali predloge za optimiranje skladiščnega procesa. S kritično analizo smo definirali vzroke za neučinkovito skladiščno poslovanje. Glavna problematika skladiščnega poslovanja je slaba sledljivost blaga in neracionalna izkoriščenost skladiščnega prostora. V diplomski nalogi smo predlagali uvedbo informacijskega sistema, konstrukcijo paletnih regalov in nakup transportnega sredstva. S predlogom smo prihranili časovne in finančne vire v samem procesu skladiščenja granulata, s čimer smo izpolnili tudi cilj diplomske naloge.
Keywords:skladišče, logistika, informacijski sistem, paletni regali
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[D. Tržan]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16877 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512257085 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.11.2010
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the storage process in the company Intereuropa, d.d., PE Celje
Abstract:This thesis presents an analysis of the storage process in the company Intereuropa, d.d., Celje Branch. We have focused on storage processes that are being operated by Intereuropa for the needs of the company Biesterfeld.Interowa. Warehousing process consists of acceptance, storage and the issue of plastic casts and granules used to manufacture many kinds of plastic products. The plastic casts are packaged in paper or plastic bags from 25 kilograms to 1 tonne. In the thesis we present the theoretical basis of logistics and warehousing business. In addition, we analyzed the current situation in the warehouse and finally made the proposals to optimize the storage process. We have defined the couses for inefficient warhausing with critical analysis. The main problem of storage management is poor traceability of go ods and irrational utilization of storage space. We have proposed the introduction of information systems, pallet rack design and purchase of a transport vehicle. We have saved time resources and financial resources with our proposal in the process of granule storage, with which we have fulfilled the objective of this thesis.
Keywords:warehouse, logistics, information system, pallet racks


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