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Authors:ID Bohak, Maja (Author)
ID Duh, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Bohak_Maja_2010.pdf (8,90 MB)
MD5: E1919CA973AE278D141480E72E17D62C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2c04f3ae-a869-4259-a04e-79065d1a5c2a
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Preverjanje znanja v šolah je eden izmed temeljnih načinov, kako spremljati napredek učencev, saj se tako ugotovi, koliko učne snovi so učenci usvojili, predvsem pa, kako dobro je bila učna snov podana. Na tak način si učitelj pridobi potrebne informacije za oblikovanje zaključne ocene posameznega učenca, za nadaljnje načrtovanje učnega procesa, predvsem pa o kakovosti svojega dela. Tako kot pri vseh predmetih se znanje preverja in ocenjuje tudi pri likovni vzgoji. Posebno pozornost pa smo namenili področju risanja, ki je pravzaprav osnova za ostala štiri področja, ki jih zajema sam predmet. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je temeljil na sestavi različnih testnih nalog za področje risanja, ki smo jih razporedili v priročno banko nalog z rešitvami in navodili za ocenjevalca. Naloge so namenjene študentom 2. letnika razrednega pouka pri preverjanju njihovega znanja. Sestavili smo 30 nalog različnih tipov in jih ločili po kognitivnih ravneh. Tako zajema prva kognitivna raven 15 različni nalog, druga raven 8 in tretja kognitivna raven 7 nalog. Seveda pa smo pozornost namenili tudi ostalim teoretičnim osnovam, ki jih je potrebno poznati, da lahko naloge oz. teste znanja sploh sestavimo. Tako smo najprej opredelili, kaj znanje sploh je in katere vrste znanja poznamo. Nato smo se posvetili tudi vsem pravilom in načelom za sestavljanje tekstnih nalog, prav tako smo preučili, katere vrste nalog poznamo. Posvetili smo se še nacionalnemu preverjanju znanja in samemu učnemu načrtu za likovno vzgojo in navedli glavne operativne cilje predmeta. Ker pa je za sestavo testa pomembno, da poznamo tudi samo učno snov, smo naredili zbor vseh teoretičnih osnov s področja risanja.
Keywords:preverjanje znanja, testi znanja, tipi nalog, likovna vzgoja, učni načrt za likovno vzgojo, področje risanja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Bohak]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16864 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18040840 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.12.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:The knowledge examination in schools is one of the basic ways of following the progress of pupils. Thus, it can namely be stated to what extent the material has been absorbed by them, and above all how good it has been passed on. In such way, a teacher gains the required information for forming the final mark, for the further planning of the teaching process and above all about the quality of his or her work. As in every school subject, knowledge is examined and marked also in art. A special attention was given to the field of drawing which is actually a basis for the other four fields included in the subject. The main purpose of the degree paper based on constructing different tests for the field of drawing which were arranged in the handy bank of exercises with solutions and instructions for assessors. The exercises are meant for students in the second year of the Primary School Teaching for examining their knowledge. We constructed 30 different types of exercises and divided them into cognitive levels. The first cognitive level includes 15 different exercises, the second one 8 and the third one 7. Indeed, the attention was paid also to other theoretical bases, which we have to be familiar with in order to construct exercises or knowledge tests. Thus it was defined first what knowledge is at all, and which types of knowledge do we know. Then we devoted us also to all rules and principles for constructing textual exercises and we examined which types of exercises exist. We considered also the national knowledge examination and the very art curriculum and stated the main operative purposes of the subject. As it is important for the test structure that we are familiar with the very material, we have gathered all theoretical bases from the field of drawing.
Keywords:knowledge examination, tests of knowledge, types of exercises, art, art curriculum, field of drawing


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