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Authors:ID Recko, Valerija (Author)
ID Stramljič-Breznik, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Recko_Valerija_2010.pdf (1,12 MB)
MD5: E7035345D8419B8F95D4E7B829306F89
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ef5d0451-a6f1-40cb-a959-75f81a945842
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V jeziku se srečujemo z novimi besedami. Med njimi so tudi takšne, ki so na novo tvorjene. Osredotočili smo se na splet. Največ novotvorjenk smo našli na blogih. Časovna omejitev je bila 1. januar 2009. Novotvorjenke so bile predmet našega raziskovanja v diplomskem delu. Izločili smo tiste, ki so obravnavane v Novejši slovenski leksiki v povezavi s spletnimi jezikovnimi viri. Novotvorjenke smo analizirali z različnih vidikov: besedotvornega, besednodružinskega, frekvenčnega in besedilnega. Vse smo preverili v besedilnih korpusih FidaPLUS in Nova beseda. V slovarskem delu diplomskega dela smo vsako novotvorjenko besedotvorno analizirali, zapisali njen pomen, dodali kontekst in število pojavitev v korpusih.
Keywords:novotvorjenka, blog, besedilni korpus, splet, besedotvorje, besedna družina.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Recko]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16651 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:18065416 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.01.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the language we always meet new words. Among them there are also those who have been newly formed. We focused on the internet. Most of the neologisms were found in blogs. The time limitation was set to the 1st of January 2009. This diploma paper deals with neologisms. Those neologisms that are discussed in Novejša slovenska leksika v povezavi s spletnimi jezikovnimi viri are not subject of this research. The neologisms were analysed from different perspectives: word formation, word families, frequency and contextuality. All the aspects were checked in word corpora FidaPLUS and Nova beseda. In the dictionary part of the diploma paper every neologism was analysed, it’s meaning written down, the context was added, as well as the number of appearances in the corpora.
Keywords:neologism, blog, word corpus, internet, word formation, word family


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