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Title:Potencialni antitumorski učinki ekstraktov Marama fižola (Tylosema esculentum)
Authors:ID Topolovec, Maja (Author)
ID Cencič, Avrelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Topolovec_Maja_2010.pdf (8,18 MB)
MD5: B0654AF292A92994DC5EA946FC02A97A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6e45f92b-8422-48bd-8cbe-2f78d4b32d46
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Rak debelega črevesja (kolona) in danke (rektum), ki mu pravimo tudi kolorektalni rak, spada med najpogostejše oblike raka v razvitem svetu. Zato smo v diplomskem delu želeli ugotovit, ali lahko s pomočjo rastlinskih ekstraktov pripomoremo k preventivnemu ali dopolnilnemu zdravstvenemu učinku. Namen naše raziskave je bil raziskati ali imata Marama fižol in gomolj pozitiven učinek na zaviranje rasti ali citotoksičnost celic raka debelega črevesa. Uporabili smo ekstrakte Marama fižola in gomolja (Tylosema esculentum) v celičnem modelu, ki ga sestavljajo celice humanega adenokarcinoma debelega črevesa (Caco-2). Znano je, da Marama fižol vsebuje, izoflavon zlasti genistein, ki blokira ključne encime, ki jih celice tumorja potrebujejo za svojo rast. Da bi lahko preverili hipotezo, smo ugotavljali odzive na sposobnost preživetja celic in zaviralne učinke uporabljenih ekstraktov. Iz doseženih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da vsi uporabljeni ekstrakti Marame zavirajo rast rakastih celic, največje učinke pa so imeli ekstrakt MTD7 (gomolj), HE5 (lupina) in MP7 (klični list).
Keywords:rak, humani adenokarcinom, Caco-2, Marama fižol, ekstrakti, gomolj, Tylosema esculentum
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16648 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.11.2010
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Secondary language

Title:Potential antitumorigenic effects of marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) extracts
Abstract:Large intestine (colon) and rectal (rectum) cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is one of the most widespread cancer forms of the developed world. For this reason we investigated, if vegetable extracts can contribute to preventive or supplementary health effects. The purpose of our research was to find out, whether the marama bean and tuber have positive effects and decelerate the growth or cytotoxicity of the large intestine cancer cells. We used the marama bean and tuber extract (Tylosema esculentium) in a cellular model, which consists of human adenocarcinoma cells of the large intestine (Caco-2). Fact is that the marama bean contains isoflavone, especially genisteine, which blocks the key enzymes that the tumor cells need for their growth. To verify the hypothesis, we have been assessing the responses on the survival ability of the cells and the impeding effects of the used extracts. We can infer from the results that all the marama extracts we used, decelerate the growth of the cancer cells. However, the biggest effects had the MTD7 extract (tuber), HE5 (husk) and MP7 (cotyledon).
Keywords:cancer, human adenocarcinoma, Caco-2, marama bean, extracts, tuber, Tylosema esculentum


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