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Authors:ID Kokolj, Maja (Author)
ID Lahe, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kokolj_Maja_2010.pdf (852,90 KB)
MD5: 10AE3A01FDF41B3AC961E2B2B8298E0F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4ae79d32-d9d2-4478-97c8-8a4a4f5a979a
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je predstavljena celiakija, kronična bolezen tankega črevesa. Bolniki s celiakijo so občutljivi na gluten, kar privede do številnih zdravstvenih zapletov, zato je zanje nujna vseživljenjska brezglutenska dieta. Namen raziskave je bil pridobiti čim več koristnih informacij o celiakiji, ugotoviti, kako se starši deklice spopadajo s to boleznijo in kako so strokovne delavke vrtca prilagodile delovanje v skupini. Namen raziskave je bil tudi ugotoviti, kako poteka sodelovanje vzgojiteljic s starši. Za zbiranje podatkov je bila uporabljena tehnika nestandardiziranega intervjuja, z vprašanji odprtega tipa za starše deklice in za vzgojiteljico ter pomočnico vzgojiteljice. Rezultati intervjuja so bili zelo spodbudni. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so starši obolele deklice zelo angažirani tako glede zbiranja informacij o celiakiji, kot tudi glede posredovanja informacij strokovnim delavcem vrtca. Njihovo sodelovanje je sprotno, v smislu načrtovanja jedilnika in reševanja morebitnih nejasnosti. Starši se morajo vsakodnevno spopadati s pastmi, ki jih prinaša celiakija. Zelo pomembna oz. nujna se jim zdi vključitev v Slovensko društvo za celiakijo. Tudi vzgojiteljica in pomočnica vzgojiteljice sta prilagodili delovanje v skupini tako, da spodbujata starše drugih otrok, da v času praznovanja rojstnih dni prinašajo v glavnem sadje oz. tudi brezglutenske posladke. Pri razdeljevanju hrane sta pozorni na to, da deklici postrežeta hrano pred drugimi otroci. Oboji, tako starši kot strokovni delavci vrtca, ocenjujejo njihovo sodelovanje kot zelo uspešno in korektno. Rezultat takšnega sodelovanja pa je dobro počutje deklice v vrtcu.
Keywords:Celiakija, brezglutenska dieta, socialna integracija, vloga odraslih.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Kokolj]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16578 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17994248 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.11.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:This diploma paper presents celiac disease, a chronic disease of the small intestine. Patients suffering from celiac disease are gluten intolerant which leads to numerous medical complications. This is why a lifelong gluten-free diet is imperative for them. The purpose of the study was to acquire as much useful information as possible about celiac disease, find out how the girl’s parents are confronting the disease and how practitioners in the kindergarten adjusted the group life to the disease. The purpose of the study was also to find out how the cooperation between the educators and parents is conducted. A nonstandard interview technique with open-type questions for the parents, educator and educator assistant was used to collect the data. The results were very encouraging. It was determined that the girl’s parents are very engaged in collecting information on celiac disease as well as passing on information to the practitioners in the kindergarten. Their cooperation is regular in the sense of planning the menus and solving potential ambiguities. The parents are confronted with the obstacles due to celiac disease on a daily basis. They think that the admission in the Slovene celiac society is important and essential. The educator and her assistant have also adjusted life in the group in the way that encourages other children’s parents to bring mostly fruit and gluten-free deserts when birthdays are celebrated. When dispersing food the educator and her assistant make sure that the girl is served first. Both, the parents and practitioners in the kindergarten evaluate their cooperation as very successful and correct. The result of this kind of cooperation is the girl’s wellbeing in the kindergarten.
Keywords:Celiac disease, gluten-free diet, social integration, the role of adults.


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