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Authors:ID Ketiš, Sara (Author)
ID Muršec, Bogomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ketis_Sara_2010.pdf (1,29 MB)
MD5: 256FB679FD4B7967C1AD45B796A4F682
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/291b675e-76af-4c26-b442-530c96b88b68
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Razvite države se vse bolj zavzemajo za kakovostnejše okolje, zato se uveljavljajo obnovljivi viri energije. Velik pomen dosega fotovoltaika. Uporaba sončne energije ima številne prednosti, vendar je na voljo premalo informacij o dejanskih izračunih uporabnosti solarnih tehnologij za bodoče uporabnike. Zato smo se v diplomskem delu osredotočili na možnosti uporabe solarne tehnologije na različnih lokacijah v Sloveniji. Obenem smo prikazali izračun proizvedene električne energije s pomočjo fotovoltaike, in približno oceno stroškov za lokacijo Ptuj. Rezultat izračuna predvidene letne proizvodnje in stroškov za malo sončno elektrarno na Ptuju je bil izjemno ugoden. Na razpoložljivi površini strehe, 98 m2, bi potrebovali 13 kWp nazivne moči. Začetni stroški investicije bi se povrnili predvidoma v 9 letih. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov, o fotovoltaični tehnologiji, smo mnenja, da je fotovoltaika ena boljšim alternativnih možnosti pridobivanja električne, ki bi veliko prispevala k ohranjanju naravnega okolja, v katerem živimo.
Keywords:fotovoltaika, sončne elektrarne v Sloveniji, ponebje, energija globalnega sončnega obsevanja, sončne celice
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16464 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.11.2010
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of geographical position on use of solar energy in Slovenia
Abstract:Many developed countries have become more concerned about the environmental issues and as a consequence renewable sources of energy are widely used. Photovoltaic is currently gaining its importance. The use of solar energy has a lot of advantages since the solar energy is plentiful, but there is not enough informations of actual calculations. We have decided in my thesis to focus on the possibilities of solar energy usage in different locations in Slovenia for production of electricity. At the same time we presented, by means of photovoltaic, the calculations of the produced electricity, and also the estimated costs of investment in Ptuj. Results of calculation of anticipated annual productions and of costs for small sunny power station on Ptuj were exceptionally favourable. On available surface of roof, 98 m2, 13 kWp power would be required,. Initial costs of investment would be probably refunded within 9 years. Based on the data acquired about the photovoltaic technology we have come to the conclusion that this is definitely one of the best alternative possibilities, which could contribute to a great extent to the conservation of the environment we live in.
Keywords:photovoltaic, solar power plants in Slovenia, climate, energy of global solar radiation, solar pannels


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