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Authors:ID Ajdnik, Tanja (Author)
ID Ogorelc, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ajdnik_Tanja_2010.pdf (1,80 MB)
MD5: 119CDA536FD9D1C23F6FBB12CBB0B9D1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/af5f89b7-174f-423d-a618-1e4ef8e42057
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sem predstavila oprtni transportni sistem cesta — železnica. Analizirala sem tehnološki proces oprtnega vlaka, ki ga SŽ skupaj s podjetjem Adria Kombi in avstrijskim podjetjem Ökombi izvajajo na progi Maribor-Tezno — Wels. Terminal Maribor-Tezno leži neposredno na V. Panevropskem koridorju, kar mu omogoča možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja in vključevanje v evropske transportne tokove. Oprtni oziroma t. i. »nespremljani« transportni sistem združuje prednosti cestnega in železniškega prevoza. Eden od glavnih razlogov za uveljavljanje kombiniranega transportnega sistema cesta — železnica je povečanje izkoriščenosti železniških zmogljivosti in hkrati razbremenitev v cestnem transportu. Da pa se lahko izvede takšen način prevoza, je potrebno imeti ustrezna cestna vozila, železniške vagone in terminale s pretovorno mehanizacijo. Glavne ugotovitve diplomskega dela so: - kombinirani transport je okolju prijaznejši način transporta, - v okviru transportnega sistema države EU posebej spodbujajo razvoj kombiniranega transporta cesta — železnica (tehnologija A), - največji del kombiniranega transporta predstavljajo prevozi kontejnerjev, - Panevropski transportni koridorji omogočajo učinkovite transportne povezave na območju celotne Evrope, - največji del tovornega transporta v Sloveniji predstavljajo mednarodni prevozi, - za uspešno izvajanje oprtnega transport mora Slovenija posodobiti železniško infrastrukturo.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: kombinirani transport cesta – železnica, Panevropsko transportno omrežje, oprtni transport na Slovenskih železnicah, oprtni vlak na relaciji Maribor-Tezno – Wels.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Ajdnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-16416 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10565148 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.02.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:The research presented the huckepack (or piggyback) transport system road – rail. I have analyzed the technology process of a huckepack train that the Slovenian railways together with a company Adria Kombi and its Austrian partner Ökombi implements on the route Maribor-Tezno – Wels. The terminal Maribor-Tezno lies directly on the V. PAN European corridor which enables its possibilities to further development and inclusion into the European transport flows. The Huckepack or unescorted transport combines the advantages of transportation on rail and on road. One of the main reasons for enforcement of the combined transport road – rail is increasing the exploitation of railway abilities and at the same time disburdening of the road transport. To enable such a transport mode one needs to have appropriate road vehicles, appropriate railway wagons, and appropriate terminals with handling equipment. The main findings of the diploma thesis are: - combined transport is more environmentally friendly mode of transport, - within the transport system the EU member countries particularly encouraged the developing of combined transport road – rail (technology A), - the main part of the combined transport is represented by the container transport, - PAN European transport corridors enable efficient Europe-wide combined transport services, - the biggest part of the rail freight transport in Slovenia is represented by the international transport, - for a successful implementation of rail-huckepack system in Slovenia the rail infrastructure must be modernized.
Keywords:combined transport road – rail, PAN European transport corridors, combined transport of the Slovenian railways, huckepack train Maribor-Tezno – Wels.


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