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Authors:ID Forte, Mateja (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Forte_Mateja_2010.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: B9B5A1733E4C993D72BCFA63DC73E1DE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/55c713b2-fa1e-4db0-9dc3-58be258e6aef
Work type:Final seminar paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V podjetjih se pogosto odločajo za merjenje stališč, saj se z rezultati zbližajo z odjemalci, z njihovimi navadami in obnašanjem. Ali nam je všeč določen izdelek, oglas, oziroma organizacija, gre za vprašanja o naših stališčih. Stališča niso dedna in se jih ne moremo naučiti. Raziskovanje stališč je zato pogosto uporabljeno za ugotavljanje ali bodo odjemalci sprejeli nov izdelek, storitev ali blagovno znamko. Diplomsko delo govori o odjemalčevih navadah, blagovni znamki in o merjenju stališč. Sestavljeno je iz dveh delov — teoretičnega in praktičnega. V prvem delu sem si zastavila cilje, da pojasnim definicijo blagovne znamke, stališč, prikaz pomena stališč, spoznati komponente stališč, opredeliti način oblikovanja stališč, predstaviti večatributni model merjenja stališč, pojasniti spreminjanje stališč in prikazati raziskovalne metode in tehnike za merjenje stališč. S pomočjo strokovne literature sem spoznala podrobnosti o tem področju, kar mi je bilo v pomoč pri izvedbi praktičnega dela, v katerem sem prikazala anketni vprašalnik in rezultat raziskave, ki temeljijo na priložnostnem vzorcu 30 izbranih žensk, ter empirično izmerila stališča do parfuma Christina Aguilera.
Keywords:odjemalčeve navade, blagovna znamka, merjenje stališč
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Forte]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15981 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10534428 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.01.2011
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Secondary language

Abstract:The companies often decide to measure the attitudes, since the results can bring them closer to customer’s habits and behavior. Whenever someone asks us whether we like a product, advertisement, or an organization, we are asked about our attitudes. Attitudes are not inherited and can not be learned. Attitude research is therefore often used to determine whether customers will adopt a new product, service or brand. This research explores the customer habits, brands, and attitude measurement. It consists of two parts - theoretical and empirical. In the first part the main goal was to present the definition of the brand, attitudes and their relevance, components of attitude and attitude formation, multi-attribute attitude model, attitude change and research methods and techniques for attitude measurement. Literature review helped me at the empirical part where I present a developed questionnaire and main results of a survey in which I measured attitudes towards Christina Aguilera brand. The research is based on a sample of 30 selected women.
Keywords:consumer behavior, brand, attitude measurement


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