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Authors:ID Knehtl, Boštjan (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Knehtl_Bostjan_2010.pdf (10,83 MB)
MD5: 41676B892264FD2794DDA4C043733819
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3cbdf431-fc15-4fcf-878a-aba8af78e3b6
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Kakovost je dandanes ključnega pomena za uspeh podjetij, kajti le kakovostni izdelki oziroma storitve lahko do popolnosti izpolnijo pričakovanja in potrebe odjemalcev. Zato se podjetja odločajo za vpeljavo sistemov kakovosti. V Sloveniji je eden najbolj razširjenih ISO standard 9001. Standard sam po sebi ne zagotavlja kakovostnih izdelkov oziroma storitev, ampak zagotavlja standardizirane procese poslovanja. Procesi pa slonijo na kakovostni izvedbi po strogih zahtevah standarda in na nenehnem izboljševanju. Tako so ob doslednem izvajanju sistema tudi izdelki kakovostni in vedno boljši. Standard ISO je zasnovan na načelih (predstavljenih v nalogi), katerih upoštevanje organizacijam omogoča izboljšanje poslovanja. V diplomski nalogi sem izbral podjetje AJM (okna-vrata-senčila) d.o.o., ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in montažo stavbnega pohištva. Podjetje je pred trinajstimi leti vpeljalo ISO standard in posluje po smernicah omenjenega standarda in zato je kakovost že dolgo ključna sestavina poslovanja, kar dokazuje vzpostavljen in dobro voden sistem obvladovanja kakovosti poslovanja po standardih ISO 9001. Sistem zajema celotno podjetje, veliko vlogo ima v oddelku proizvodnje, kjer je vzpostavitev sistema izboljšala sledljivost materialov in polizdelkov, zmanjšali so se stroški zaradi slabe kakovosti, izboljšali so se pogoji dela, povečali sta se učinkovitost, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in kupcev, saj so kupci tisti ki vrednotijo celovito kakovost in celovito realizacijo naročila s tem, da so z naročenim izdelkom zadovoljni in da ustreza ne samo tehničnim ampak tudi njihovim kriterijem. Glavne prednosti uvedbe sistema kakovosti so predvsem preglednejša organiziranost poslovanja, preglednost poslovnih procesov, dokumentiranost postopkov z odgovornostmi in pristojnostmi, izboljšanje notranje komunikacije ter tudi večja kakovost storitev in proizvodov, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev ter lažji dostop do globalnega tržišča. Vendar standardizacija poslovanja podjetja sama ne more zagotoviti dolgoročne konkurenčne prednosti. Podjetja si jo lahko zagotovijo predvsem z inovativnostjo in nenehnim iskanjem ter izkoriščanjem poslovnih priložnosti.
Keywords:Sistem kakovosti, kakovost, ISO standard 9001, izdelki oziroma storitve, AJM (okna-vrata-senčila) d.o.o., osredotočenost na odjemalce, nenehno izboljševanje, procesi oziroma procesni pristop, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Knehtl]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15493 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10435868 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:Nowadays the quality is extremely important for enterprises' success. Only quality products or services can entirely fulfill customers' expectations and needs. This is why enterprises have decided to introduce quality systems. In Slovenia, the ISO standard 9001 is one of the most widespread quality systems. The standard by itself does not guarantee quality products or services, but it guarantees the standardized business processes. These processes are based on quality implementation according to severe standard requirements and on constantly improvement. Consequently, with the consistent implementation of the system the products have a quality. The ISO standard is based on principles (presented in the paper), consideration of which makes it possible for various organizations to improve their operations. For this diploma paper I chose the enterprice AJM (okna-vrata-senčila) d.o.o. of which the main activity is production and assembling of builders' joinery. Thirteen years ago the enterprise introduced the ISO standard 9001 and carries on business within the framework of the guidelines. The quality has been so the key element of its business for a long time as indicated by quality control system according to the standard ISO 9001 that is well directed. The system covers the enterprise-wide, but plays an important role in manufactoring department. The traceabilty of materials, semi-manufactures and finished goods has been improved, the costs have been reduced, working conditions have become better, the efficiency has increased and workers and customers have become more satisfied). The main advantages of the introduction of the quality system are above all: a more transparent business organization, a transparency of the business processes, documentation of procedures with responsibilities and competencies, improved internal communication, and also improved quality of products and services, customer satisfaction and better acces to the global market. However the standardization of the business of an enterprise alone cannot assure a long-term competitive preference, but can secure it with innovation and continuous searching for business opportunities.
Keywords:the quality system, quality, ISO standard 9001, products or services, AJM (okna-vrata-senčila) d.o.o., focus on customers, constant improvement, process or process methods, customer satisfaction.


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