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Authors:ID Roškarič, Marina (Author)
ID Bobek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Roskaric_Marina_2010.pdf (481,73 KB)
MD5: 3E04B7081CF9A62F0F38F3E2FCE134DB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/360d9d7a-bf16-4d58-b685-5acde9f877d6
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Zgodovina zaščite podatkov sega že v čas pred našim štetjem oziroma od prvih zapisanih dokumentov dalje. Konec 20. stoletja in v zgodnjih letih 21. stoletja je prišlo do hitrega napredka v telekomunikacijah, računalniški, strojni in programski opremi ter algoritmu za šifriranje podatkov. Obdelava elektronskih podatkov je postala dostopna majhnim podjetjem in domači uporabi zaradi majhne, bolj zmogljive in cenovno ugodnejše računalniške opreme. Računalniki so postali medsebojno povezani preko mreže, splošno imenovane internet ali splet. Hitro rast in široko uporabo obdelave elektronskih podatkov in elektronskih poslov, ki potekajo na internetu, spremlja tudi tako imenovani kiberkriminal. Nepridipravi so konstantno na lovu za novimi načini zlorab in uničenja podatkov. V Sloveniji imamo za področje urejanja elektronskega poslovanja v veljavi Zakon o elektronskem poslovanju in elektronskem podpisu (ZEPEP-UPB1), vendar pa sama zakonodaja ne bo nikoli dovolj za uspešen boj proti kiberkriminalu. Podjetja se glede na svojo velikost, in s tem na količino podatkov, odločajo kakšen delež proračuna bodo namenile za zaščito in varovanje podatkov. Običajno gre za kombinacijo varovanja s strani zunanjih strokovnjakov ter samih zaposlenih v podjetju, prav zato je ključnega pomena njihovo osveščanje in izobraževanje glede novih nevarnosti, ki lahko ogrozijo podatke podjetja. Nevarnosti za podatke ne predstavljajo le zunanji napadalci, ampak vse bolj narašča tudi delež notranjih napadalcev, ki predstavljajo zaposlene v podjetjih, da bi podjetja zmanjšala delež slednjih je potrebno poskrbeti za pozitivno klimo v podjetju ter ustrezno motiviranost zaposlenih.
Keywords:Zaščita podatkov, fizična zaščita, zlonamerni programi, ribarjenje, heker, virtualizacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Roškarič]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-15274 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10405916 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.11.2010
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Abstract:Historically speaking, data protection already started before Christ, respectively with the first written documents. At the end of the 20th century and in the early 21st century rapid progress occurred in the areas such as telecommunication, computer software and hardware and algorithm for ciphering data. The processing of electronic data has become more accessible for smaller companies and home users because of the computer equipment which was smaller, more efficient and had reasonable prices. Computers have become mutually connected within the net, generally known as the internet or the web. Rapid growth and wide usage of electronic data and electronic businesses procession which takes place on the internet is being accompanied also by the so called cyber crime. Villains are constantly out hunting for new ways of misuse and data destruction. To manage the area of electronic commerce there is Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signature Act (ZEPEP-UPB1) currently valid in Slovenia; however, the legislation itself will never suffice to successfully beat cyber crime. On the basis of their size and therefore data quantity, companies decide what will be the budget share intended for data protection. Usually the combination of external experts’ protection and protection from the inside of the company (employees) is used; that is why their awareness and education about new dangers, which can endanger the company’s data, is of key importance. However, the danger for data does not come only from external invaders, but from the share of inside invaders which is rising. In order to reduce the number of the latter positive climate and appropriate motivation of employees should be ensured.
Keywords:Data protection, physical protection, malevolent programs, fishing, hacker, virtualization.


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