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Authors:ID Velički, Maruša (Author)
ID Mayer, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Velicki_Marusa_2010.pdf (768,77 KB)
MD5: 0193A108C805ADC90010D67830B7387E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f76bd3c7-3d64-4672-b42f-3cb926586e79
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sem zajela turistično gospodarstvo v Bohinju in zadovoljstvo turistov s storitvami. Zadovoljstvo uporabnika je sestavni dejavnik sodobne tržne teorije in prakse. Vsi ponudniki storitev in izdelkov se trudijo v čim višji meri izpolniti pričakovanja uporabnika, da bi ta ostal čim zvestejši ponudniku. Zadovoljstvo turistov lahko opredelimo kot oceno turistovih izkušenj, z bivanjem v določenem kraju. Gre za turistove občutke, ki izhajajo iz pričakovanj. Naloga je razdeljena na teoretičen in raziskovalni del. Cilj ankete je bil pridobiti rezultate zadovoljstva turistov in na tej osnovi pozneje spremljati zadovoljstvo turistov. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je zadovoljstvo turistov, ki tu preživijo prosti čas v povprečju 4 (najnižja možna ocena je 1, najvišja pa 5). Da bi bili gostje v Bohinju še bolj zadovoljni, bi morali v izboljšati več stvari: Urediti bi morali kolesarske proge, saj se obisk zaradi športa v Bohinju znižuje. Večina hotelov v Bohinju je v izredno slabem stanju, zato bi bila njihova obnova več kot nujna. Bolj bi morali urediti prometni režim. Ni vsem tujim gostom jasno, da morajo parkirati samo na označenih parkiriščih. Nujne bi bile table, na katerih bi v vsaj dveh tujih jezikih nazorno obrazložili režim parkiranja. Gostinska ponudba je še vedno premalo pestra. Imamo kar nekaj dobrih gostiln, a vseeno premalo. Če želimo v destinaciji še naprej služiti tudi v zimski sezoni, so obvezne investicije v smučarske centre.
Keywords:zadovoljstvo, izdelki in storitve, občutki turista, cilji
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14933 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6749971 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.11.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:In my thesis I have dealt with the tourist economy in Bohinj and the guests’ satisfaction with the services. User satisfaction is an integral element of modern marketing theory and practice. All providers of services and products are trying to meet the expectations of the user as best as possible in order to achieve their trust and loyalty. Satisfaction can be defined as the tourists’ assessment of their experience and stay in a specific area. It is the tourists’ feelings arising from their expectations. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a research part. The aim of the survey was to obtain results on the tourists’ satisfaction and later to monitor their future fulfilment. The research revealed that in a scale from 1 to 5, the majority of tourists who spend their time in Bohinj decided for a 4 (1 being the lowest possible score and 5 the highest). In order to achieve a higher level of pleasure among Bohinj’s guests several things would have to be improved: reorganise the cycle routes, especially as sport visit in Bohinj have decreased lately. Most hotels in Bohinj are in extremely poor conditions; therefore it would be more than necessary to renovate them. The transport regime should be rearranged as in many cases foreign visitors do not understand the parking regime. Signs should contain explanations in at least two foreign languages. The food offer is still not wide enough. We do have some good restaurants, but still not enough. If we are to continue to make profits also in the winter season, a minimum of investments should be made in ski centers.
Keywords:Satisfaction, Services and products, MTourist's expectations, Aims


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