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Authors:ID Saletinger, Manja (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Saletinger_Manja_2010.pdf (544,20 KB)
MD5: B9537A053A7ED395105B0F028C28F735
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d1b7e3ef-d20b-4902-9283-e938aae2a60e
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem skušala podrobneje predstaviti najpomembnejše sociološke teorije, ki so se ukvarjale z vzročnostjo kriminalitete in ki so imele pomemben vpliv na razvoj kriminološke znanosti. Sociološke teorije, sicer vsaka z drugačnim metodološkim pristopom k preučevanju kriminalitete, kot vzroke oziroma dejavnike kriminalitete naštevajo predvsem dejavnike, ki izvirajo iz družbe kot skupine posameznikov in ne iz posameznika samega, in sicer so to: slaba izobrazba, revščina, razbite družine, delikventni vrstniki, slabo starševstvo, družinske težave, neustrezno bivanje in neustrezna socializacija ter kriminogeno družbeno okolje, ki na nek način prisilijo posameznika v kriminalno udejstvovanje, saj posameznik po socioloških teorijah sam nima moči, da bi preprečil oziroma odvrnil delovanje teh dejavnikov, kajti ti dejavniki so zunaj posameznika in so del družbenega okolja. Kljub temu, da sociološke teorije ne pokrivajo celotnega spektra kriminologije, ampak zgolj eno od ključnih vprašanj, in sicer, kaj povzroča kriminaliteto oziroma odklonskost, na kar ne moremo podati definitivnih odgovorov, pa lahko trdimo, da so sociološke teorije o vzrokih kriminalitete imele oziroma še vedno imajo močan vpliv tako na razvoj kriminologije kot tudi na razlago kriminalitete, predvsem z vidika vpliva družbenih dejavnikov na posameznika in na njegovo delovanje in vedenje.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE Sociološke teorije, kriminologija, kriminaliteta, družba in družbene skupine, družbeni dejavniki, konflikt, socializacija, subkultura, anomija, etiketa (stigma).
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Salatinger]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14767 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4113195 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.07.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:SUMMARY In this diploma thesis I have tried to present in detail the most important sociological theories, which deal with the causation of crime and have had a significant impact on the development of criminological science. Sociological theories, namely each with a different approach to the study of criminality, as the causes or factors of crime list mainly the factors, which take their source from the society as a group of individuals and not from the individual himself. Some of these factors are: poor education, poverty, broken families, criminal equals, poor parenting, family problems, inadequate housing, inadequate socialization and criminal social environment. In a way, these factors are forcing the individual to become criminally involved, as individual, according to the sociological theories, has no power to prevent or deter the function of these factors, because they are outside of individual and are part of the social environment. Despite the fact that sociological theories do not cover the entire spectrum of criminology, but only one of the key issues, namely, what causes crime and deviance, in which we can not give definite answers, it can be argued that sociological theories, which deal with the causation of crime, have had or have a strong impact both on the development of criminology as well as on the interpretation of crime, particularly in terms of impact of social factors on individual and on his performance and behaviour.
Keywords:KEY WORDS Sociological theories, criminology, criminality, society and social groups, social factors, conflict, socialization, subculture, detachment from society, label (stigma).


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