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Authors:ID Horvat, Sanja (Author)
ID Križmarić, Miljenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Horvat_Sanja_2010.pdf (4,04 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dce2759e-af96-47c6-a7cb-c60cf90f6e05
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo s simulacijskimi pristopi preverjali tesnjenje mešičkov sapničnih tubusov. Tesnjenje je pomembno z vidika preprečevanja ventilacijske pljučnice (VAP) pri intubiranih bolnikih. Raziskavo smo izvedli na vzorcu tubusov štirih proizvajalcev. V simuliranem steklenem sapniku premera 20 mm smo spreminjali tlake mešičkov od 60 cmH2O do 5 cmH2O in opazovali tesnjenje in mikrocirkulacijo. Raziskali smo povezavo med obliko spojke sapničnega tubusa in obliko mešička. Določili smo maksimalen tlak pri katerem pride do rupture mešičkov. Rezultati kažejo, da pri priporočeni vrednosti tlaka za preprečevanje VAP (30 cmH2O) tesni najbolj mešiček tubusa Kimberly-Clark, saj je tesnil v 45 primerih od skupaj izvedenih 45 meritev. Mešiček tubusa Portex je puščal v 6 primerih (13%), mešiček tubusa Mallinckrodt je puščal v 12 primerih (26%) in mešiček tubusa Sheridan je puščal v 6 primerih (13%). Rupturo mešička Kimberly-Clark smo dosegli pri tlaku 832±81 cmH2O, nižje vrednosti pa so bile pri ostalih tubusih (Sheridan 428±42 cmH2O, Mallinckrodt 346±22 cmH2O in Portex 310±22cmH2O). Mešiček Kimberly-Clark tubusa se je izkazal statistično najbolj vzdržljiv izmed vseh izmed vseh štirih testiranih tubusov (P<0,001). Zaključimo, da je najboljše karakteristike v naši raziskavi pokazal nizkotlačni mešiček visokega volumna (low-pressure, high-volume) proizvajalca Kimberly-Clark, zato ga priporočamo pri uporabi v enotah nujne medicinske pomoči na terenu.
Keywords:tubus, tesnilni mešički sapničnih tubusev, ventilacijska pljučnica
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Horvat]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14181 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1609124 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.07.2010
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Secondary language

Title:Simulation of tracheal tube cuff sealing to prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Abstract:In this diploma thesis we use simulation to conduct experiments in which we examine effects of cuff sealing in different tracheal tubes. The cuff sealing is important in order to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in intubated patients. Our research was conducted on a samples of tubes of four manufacturers. In a simulated glass trachea, with 20 mm diameter, we increase the pressure, from 60 cmH2O to 5 cmH2O and watch the seals and microcirculation. We investigated the relationship between tracheal tube connectors and tracheal tube cuffs. We also determined cuff rupture pressure. The results show that the recommended pressure levels for the prevention of VAP (30 cmH2O) prevent leaking only in Kimberly-Clark tracheal tube (45 cases out of a total of 45). Portex tube is leaking in 6 cases (13%), the Mallinckrodt tube in 12 cases (26%) and Sheridan tracheal tube is leaking in 6 cases (13%). Rupture of Kimberly-Clark cuff has been achieved at a pressure of 832 ± 81 cmH2O, lower values were in the other tubes (Sheridan 428 ± 42 cmH2O, Mallinckrodt 346 ± 22 cmH2O and Portex 310 ± 22 cmH2O). Kimberly-Clark tube has proved to be statistically the most endurance of all four tested tubes (P<0,001). We conclude that the best characteristics in our study showed a high-volume, low-pressure cuff of Kimberly-Clark manufacturer and we recommended it for use in emergency medical units on the prehospital settings.
Keywords:tracheal tube, tracheal tube cuff, emergency medicine, ventilator-associated pneumonia


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