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Authors:ID Jevševar, Jernej (Author)
ID Štrukelj, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jevsevar_Jernej_2010.pdf (16,82 MB)
MD5: D2F038F70F5CBA7D819A1C41DAA37A18
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fb6b30c2-1c15-4c13-84da-9f73bbfce100
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sem na podlagi aplikativnega primera rušitve objektov stare Termoelektrarne Trbovlje I prikazal problematiko rušenja objektov ter na osnovi raziskav in ugotovitev oblikoval končni predlog rušitve. Na izbor teme diplomskega dela je vplivalo predvsem sodelovanje pri izdelavi projekta PZI — »Rušenje objektov stare Termoelektrarne Trbovlje I«, ki smo ga izdelali meseca oktobra 2009 v podjetju IBT SPI, d.o.o. Trbovlje, kjer sem opravljal obvezno študijsko prakso, in sodelovanje pri strokovnem nadzoru omenjenega podjetja med rušenjem objektov. Rušenje industrijskega kompleksa, vključno s pripravljalnimi deli, se je začelo izvajati v začetku meseca decembra 2009, zaključna dela (končna ureditev platoja) pa naj bi bila končana v mesecu maju 2010. Diplomsko delo je zasnovano tako, da problematiko rušitve obravnavanega sklopa objektov zajame v celoti; od projekta do izvedbe, tako da se po navodilih končnega predloga rušitve rušenje tudi dejansko izvede.
Keywords:rušitev stavb, rušenje objektov, rušitvena dela, gradbeni odpadki
Place of publishing:Trbovlje
Publisher:[J. Jevševar]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-14157 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:14356758 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2010
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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Secondary language

Abstract:In my theseis I presented the problems of building demolition basing on applicative building demolition example of the old Thermal Power Plant Trbovlje I. Basing on research and ascertainings I presented the final proposition of demolition. The subject choice of the thesis was influenced by cooperation in the Project Documentation for Execution – »The Building Demolition of the old Thermal Power Plant Trbovlje I«, which was carried out by the enterprise IBT SPI, d.o.o. Trbovlje in October 2009, where I performed the mandatory study practice, as well as by cooperation in the performance of professional supervision, which was carried out by the above mentioned enterprise during the demolition. The demolition of industrial complex, including the preparation works, started at the beginning of December 2009, the final works (the final plateau arrangement) should be finished in May 2010. The concept of thesis comprises the total problems of demolition of the discussed complex of buildings – starting with project up to the execution, so that the demolition is actually carried out according to instructions of final demolition proposition.
Keywords:destruction of buildings, demolition of structures, destruction works, construction waste


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