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Authors:ID Pogorevčnik, Vesna (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pogorevcnik_Vesna_2010.pdf (2,90 MB)
MD5: E0F2A792ABAF2BE71CABA4D422005E72
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6a80e965-0afa-429e-86a3-6176db3ea522
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Marketing je akcija. Akcija za pridobitev kupcev, za povečanje prodaje, prepoznavnosti podjetja, njegovih izdelkov ter storitev in podobno. V tej akciji zmagujejo prodornejši, učinkovitejši, drznejši, bolj inovativni, bolj usposobljeni. Podjetja se žal premalo zavedajo, da je njihova marketinška prepoznavnost vse, kar počnejo na trgu. Kar pomeni, da gre za splet aktivnosti, ki jih izvajajo podjetje ter njegovi zaposleni v posrednih in neposrednih stikih s kupci, poslovnimi partnerji, konkurenco ter tudi širšim okoljem. Namen marketinške prepoznavnosti podjetja je pritegniti pozornost ožjega in širšega okolja na izdelke ali storitve, na ugled ter prepoznavnost podjetja, na celotno ponudbo podjetja, in s tem povezano povečano prodajo. Zato je za podjetje ključnega pomena pravilna izbira marketinške agencije, saj s pomočjo marketinške agencije, ki se poslužuje strokovnega, profesionalnega in odgovornega dela, podjetje dosega večjo prepoznavnost, dolgoročno navezanost in pripadnost pri potrošnikih, poslovnih partnerjih ter konkurentih. Marketinška agencija lahko posameznemu podjetju pomaga ter svetuje na podlagi izkušenj in specializiranih znanj, hkrati pa z učinkovitim delom prispeva k rasti ter razvoju podjetja. Večina podjetij veliko finančnih sredstev namenjajo za komunikacijsko orodje, oglaševanje, vendar pa se jih velika večina ne zaveda pomembnosti komuniciranja. Zato je, poleg pravilne izbire marketinške agencije, za podjetje zelo pomembno zavedanje pomena različnih vrst oglaševanja. Kajti vsak medij ima določene prednosti in slabosti, pri čemer mora marketinška agencija predpostaviti, kateri mediji bo v določeni oglaševalski akciji dosegel čim večjo pozornost ciljne skupine.
Keywords:Podjetje, potrošniki, marketinška agencija, oglaševanje, mediji, komuniciranje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Pogorevčnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13868 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10274332 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.07.2010
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Secondary language

Title:The role of marketing agencies in the Slovenian territory and the importance of different types of advertising
Abstract:Marketing is a campaign. Special offer for customers to increase sales, visibility of a company, its products and services and the like. In this campaign win vigorous, effective, bolder, more innovative, more skilled. Companies are unfortunately too aware that their marketing profile of everything we do in the market. Which means that it is a mix of activities undertaken by the company and its employees are in direct and indirect contacts with customers, business partners, competition, and the wider environment. The purpose of the company is marketing visibility to attract attention to a close and the wider environment in products or services, the reputation and visibility of the company, the full range of business, and the associated increase in sales. It is crucial to business marketing agency the right choice, because with the help of marketing agencies, which are used by professional, professional and responsible work, the company achieved greater visibility, long-term attachment and loyalty with consumers, business partners and competitors. Marketing agency to an individual company can help and advise on the experience and specialized skills, while the effective work contributes to the growth and development of the company. Most companies devote significant resources to communication tools, advertising, but the vast majority of them are not aware of the importance of communication. Therefore, in addition the correct choice of marketing agencies for undertaking a very important awareness of the importance of different types of advertising. For each medium has certain advantages and disadvantages, which must assume marketing agency, which will set out the media campaign has reached the utmost attention to target groups.
Keywords:Company, consumers, marketing agency, advertising, media, communication


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