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Authors:ID Žekar, Barbara (Author)
ID Savin, Davor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Zekar_Barbara_2010.pdf (466,23 KB)
MD5: B2E8C618FB824E3BE23181E31FAE3B30
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/831be4c1-79ad-4519-942c-cfea07387127
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V prvem delu diplomskega dela so podrobno predstavljene teorije obvladovanja tveganj ter izpostavljenosti finančnim tveganjem. Nadalje so v teoretičnem delu opisane posamezne vrste finančnih tveganj, kar je pomembno za razumevanje praktičnega dela diplomske naloge. Bistvo se nahaja v obvladovanju finančnih tveganj, ki je v delu predstavljeno v teoretični obliki, kot tudi v praktični na primeru podjetja. Finančna tveganja lahko obvladujemo z notranjimi ukrepi, ki so del finančnega upravljanja v podjetju, ter z zunanjimi ukrepi, ki v glavnem pomenijo sodelovanje podjetja z zunanjimi institucijami. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge gre za aplikacijo teorije na primeru izbranega podjetja. Podrobneje so analizirana finančna tveganja, katerim je podjetje najbolj podvrženo. Narejena je analiza likvidnostnega tveganja, obrestnega tveganja, analiza tveganja ob spremembi cen surovin, analiza valutnega tveganja ter njihovo obvladovanje v podjetju samem.
Keywords:Ključne besede: vrste finančnih tveganj, obvladovanje finančnih tveganj, notranji ukrepi, zunanji ukrepi obvladovanja finančnih tveganj, izvedeni finančni instrumenti.
Place of publishing:[Celje]
Publisher:[B. Žekar]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13716 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10327580 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.08.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:First part of diploma thesis is all about theories of risk management and exposures to financial risks. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes each type of financial risk, which is important for understanding the practical part of graduation thesis. The essence of diploma thesis is in financial risk management, which is presented in theoretical form, as well as in the case of practical business. Financial risk can be managed through internal measures, which are part of the financial management of the company and external actions, which essentially mean the participation of enterprises and external institutions. In practical part of the diploma thesis is the application of theory in the case of the selected company. There are more specifically analyzed financial risks that the company is exposed to. The risks that are analyzed are liquidity risk, interests rate risk, change of prices and raw materials risk and currency risk and their management in company itself.
Keywords:Keywords: types of financial risk, financial risk management, internal measures, external measures of financial risk management, deduced financial instruments.


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