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Authors:ID Mihalič, Franjo (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Horvat, Martin (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Mihalic_Franjo_2010.pdf (633,46 KB)
MD5: 00C5326000C3868D69C5DBA802E84F00
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/61e9fa5e-5695-46ce-b71a-4ecee4ab4e47
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V tej nalogi sem prikazal vlogo izvedbenega managementa v organizaciji, prikazal sem kakšen bi moral bit izvedbeni manager in kakšen v večini podjetjih je, saj se podjetja v večini primerov ne zavedajo, da je za doseganje optimalnih rezultatov v sodobno naravnani organizaciji bistven dober tim. Vsak dober manager mora obvladovati pridobljena teoretična znanja, praktična znanja ter imeti veliko osnovnih komunikacijskih, kulturnih, etičnih in načelnih veščin. Za dolgoročno uspešnost organizacije je zelo pomembno, da ima zaposlene izvedbene managerje, ki se bodo znali pravilno odločati in vplivati na procese v podjetju. Znanje je pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na kvaliteto dela in na dodano vrednost v podjetju, zato mora podjetje pridobiti sposobne kadre, razvijati njihovo znanje, jih motivirati, ustvariti prijetno klimo v podjetju. V managementu sta združena dva pomembna procesa, vodenje in upravljanje. Podjetnik, ki želi uspeti v poslovnem svetu mora imeti sodobna managerska znanja in izkušnje ali zaposliti dobrega managerja, ki bo znal upravljati in voditi procese v podjetju za dosego zastavljenih ciljev organizacije. Slab manager predstavlja v podjetju prej škodo kot korist, zato mora imeti teoretična in praktična znanja, mora biti strokovno podkovan, usposobljen. Mnogi današnji vodje so še vedno obremenjeni s tradicionalnimi metodami vodenja, delovnimi prijemi, odnosi in obnašanjem. Takšni ljudje s svojimi zgledi ne potegnejo za seboj podrejenih. Bistvene lastnosti dobrega managerja so: poštenost, sposobnost, pogled v prihodnost, navdušenje drugih, verodostojnost. Za delovanje sodobno naravnane organizacije je zelo pomembna izbira oziroma zaposlitev izvedbenega managerja, ker le ta ima velik vpliv na razvoj kadrov, oblikovanje učinkovitega tima v podjetju. Zato mora imeti izvedbeni manager potrebna znanja, se neprestano izobraževati v visoko specializiranih izobraževalnih institucijah doma in v tujini. Dober manager mora vedeti kako motivirat sodelavce za dosego ciljev organizacije in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Poskrbeti mora za ustrezno, ažurno komunikacijo med nadrejenimi, podrejenimi, oddelki ipd. Izvedbeni manager mora vedet kako delegirat naloge, na kakšen način, katere naloge mora delegirat naprej in katere mora narediti sam. Pri poslovanju vsake sodobne organizacije je zelo pomembna tudi računalniška podpora managementu, prav tako so pomembna osnovna računalniška znanja vseh zaposlenih v podjetju.
Keywords:izvedbeni management, manager, vodenje, upravljanje, znanja, zaposleni, organizacija.
Place of publishing:Hoče
Publisher:[F. Mihalič]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13398 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10337052 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.08.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this diploma paper I have tried to represent the role of the executive management in an organisation, to present how the executive manager should be like and also to show how executive managers of most companies are. Because companies are mostly unaware that the most important factor for achieving best results in a modern organisation is a good team. Every good manager must master all gained theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and have a lot of basic communication, cultural, ethical and principled skills. For a long-term success it is very important that there are executive managers employed in the company, who will know how to make the right decisions and influence the processes. Knowledge is a very important factor which influences the work quality and added value in the company. This is why a company must gain competent workers, broaden their knowledge, motivate them and create a good atmosphere in the company. In management there are two important processes joint, leading and managing. An entrepreneur who wants to succeed in the business world must have modern management knowledge and experience or employ a competent manager, who will know how to manage and lead the processes in the company in order to achieve the set goals of the organisation. A bad manager is more harm than good for a company and this is why she/he must have theoretical and practical knowledge and must be competent and qualified. Many today's leaders are still concerned with traditional leading methods, working methods, relationships and behaviour. Such people don't pull with their example their subordinates behind them. The main characteristics of a good manager are: honesty, competence, look into the future, inspiration for others, reliability. The choice for or an employment of an executive manager are very important for the work of a modern organisation, because he has a big influence on the workers development and the formation of a good team in the company. This is why the executive manager must have all the needed knowledge, constantly study at high-specialized educational institutions at home and abroad. A good manager must know how to motivate his co-workers in order to achieve the goals of the organisation and the satisfaction of the employees. He must take care of an appropriate, up-to-date communication between the superiors, the subordinate workers, departments, etc. The executive manager must know how to define the tasks, which way, which tasks he must pass on and which he must do by himself. A very important thing of every modern organisation is a computer support of the management. Very important is also that every employed person in the company has basic computer knowledge.
Keywords:executive management, manager, leading, managing, knowledge, employers, organisation.


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