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Authors:ID Pačnik, Anita (Author)
ID Ilić, Olivera (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 2B34D67BB3598795FF1DA3FE54E8F30C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7de4ad1c-42b7-4d95-bb68-e24809bb1517
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo OTROŠKO LJUDSKO IZROČILO ŠALEŠKE DOLINE je teoretično delo. Izkušnje dela v vrtcu narekujejo potrebo po raziskovanju tega področja, vendar se postavlja vprašanje literature. V Šaleški dolini delujejo folklorna društva za odrasle. Otroci večinoma spoznajo ljudsko izročilo v vrtcih ali doma, vendar je literature iz tega področja premalo. Vzgojiteljice si pomagajo z razno literaturo v kateri so združene rajalne igre iz celotne Slovenije ali sveta, ne morejo pa približati otrokom ljudskega izročila iz področja v katerem živijo. Gibanje je za predšolske otroke pomembno, prav tako pa se gibalne aktivnosti prepletajo s področjem plesne vzgoje. Tako se lahko otrokom preko gibanja približa ples in ljudsko izročilo. V raznih literaturah zasledimo, da sta gibanje in ples pomembna v predšolskem obdobju, prav tako pa ima vzgojiteljica pomembno vlogo pri otrokovem celostnem razvoju. Otrokom so všeč rajalne in prstne igre, to pa je tudi najlažji način, da se otrokom približa ljudsko izročilo, saj ga spoznajo preko igre. Vedno pogosteje se uporabljajo tudi bansi, ki sicer niso ljudsko izročilo, se pa v današnjem času vedno več uporabljajo tudi v vrtcih ter pri delu z otroki.
Keywords:Ključne besede: Predšolska vzgoja, gibanje, ljudsko izročilo, plesno izročilo, plesna vzgoja, rajalne igre, prstne igre, bansi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Pačnik]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-13205 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17490440 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.03.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:This diploma thesis titled CHILDREN'S FOLK TRADITIONS OF THE ŠALEK VALLEY is theoretically oriented. Teaching in the kindergarten clearly creates the need to research this area more thoroughly, however, there is a problem of literature. The folklore associations in the Šalek Valley have primarily adult membership. Children mostly learn about their folk traditions in kindergartens and at home, but there is still a great lack of literature in this area. To overcome this obstacle, kindergarten teachers rely on a wide range of existing literature presenting dancing plays from the entire Slovenia or the whole world, however, this literature cannot present to children the folk traditions of their own region. Movement is extremely important for pre-school children and activities involving movement are closely connected with dance education. Through these activities dancing and folk traditions can easily be presented to children. According to many authors, exercising and dancing are a very important part of pre-school education and the role of the pre-school teacher is vital in the child's integral development. Children seem to like dancing and finger plays very much, and they appear as a very useful tool of introducing folk traditions to children through playing. Though not being part of folk traditions, action songs are being increasingly used in kindergartens and when working with children.
Keywords:Pre-school education, movement, folk traditions, dancing traditions, dance education, dancing plays, finger plays, action songs


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