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Authors:ID Kozel, Ingrid (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kozel_Ingrid_2010.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: A78C902D9A21ED7A64A388E4E03975BA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/92ee4f9a-f1ed-4c5b-9443-d0ebca4cbf73
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je obravnavana razveljavitev zakonske zveze zaradi težje duševne prizadetosti ali nerazsodnosti. Zakonska zveza je ena od treh oblik življenjskih skupnosti, ki so pravno urejene v Republiki Sloveniji. Izhodišče za to urejanje daje Ustava Republike Slovenije. Sklepanje zakonske zveze je osebni akt in hkrati pravni posel družinskega prava, ki ima daljnosežne pravne posledice za zakonca. Zato je pomembno, da je oseba, ki bo sklenila zakonsko zvezo, telesno in duševno dovolj zdrava za izpolnjevanje dolžnosti, ki izhajajo iz zakonske zveze. Oseba, ki želi skleniti zakonsko zvezo, mora imeti ženitno sposobnost ali sposobnost za sklenitev zakonske zveze. To pridobi z osemnajstimi leti, če je duševno zdrava in razsodna. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih (ZZZDR) določa, da zakonske zveze ne more skleniti oseba, ki je težje duševno prizadeta ali nerazsodna, sicer je zakonska zveza neveljavna in se razveljavi. S takšno zakonsko ureditvijo sta določena dva zakonska zadržka za sklenitev zakonske zveze: nerazsodnost in duševna bolezen. Pri čemer pa se zlasti pri slednjem pojavi vprašanje, ali je zakonodajalec takšnim osebam upravičeno odvzel pravico do sklenitve zakonske zveze. Tema diplomskega dela je predstavljena tako, da sta prvi dve poglavji namenjeni zakonski zvezi na splošno, tretje, četrto in peto poglavje se neposredno in posredno nanašajo na neveljavnost zakonske zveze iz obravnavanega razloga, šesto poglavje prikazuje ureditev razveljavitve zakonske zveze zaradi težje duševne prizadetosti ali nerazsodnosti pri istospolnih partnerjih, sedmo poglavje ureja duševne bolezni oziroma duševne motnje, zadnje poglavje pa je prikaz ureditve razveljavitve zakonske zveze v nekaterih članicah Evropske unije. Institut razveljavitve zakonske zveze zaradi težje duševne prizadetosti in nerazsodnosti se v samostojni Republiki Sloveniji še ni uporabil, vendar je glede na to, da so duševne motnje čedalje pogostejše, pričakovati, da se bo njegova uporaba povečala. Slovenija je končno dobila tudi zakon, ki ureja področje duševnega zdravja, vendar s svojo vsebino ni popolnoma prepričljiv v to, da bo res izboljšal kakovost življenja ljudi z duševno boleznijo.
Keywords:zakonska zveza, težja duševna prizadetost, nerazsodnost, razveljavitev, duševna bolezen, duševno zdravje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Kozel]
Year of publishing:2010
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12872 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4016683 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.01.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis discusses annulment of a marriage because of severe mental impairment or impaired judgement. Marriage is one of three forms of partnership, which are regulated in Slovenia. The ground for this regulation can be found in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Concluding a marriage is a personal act and at the same time a family law act that has long-term consequences for a spouse. It is therefore important that a person concluding a marriage is physically and mentally healthy enough to fulfil marriage obligations. The person willing to enter a marriage has to have the capability for conclusion of a marriage, which is gained at the age of 18 under condition that he/she is mentally healthy and capable of judgement. The Marriage and Family Relations Act specifies that a marriage can not be concluded by a person who is severely mentally impaired or has impaired judgement. In such case a marriage is invalid and annulled. Such a legal regulation determines the two legal impediments, impaired judgement and mental illness; regarding the latter emerges the issue whether the right to conclude a marriage was justifiably taken away from such individuals. The first two chapters of this thesis discuss a marriage in general; the next three chapters discuss annulment of a marriage because of the reasons in question; chapter six presents the regulation of marriage annulment because of severe mental impairment or impaired judgement in a same-sex partnership; chapter seven presents the regulation of mental illness or disorder, while the last chapter presents the regulation of marriage annulment in some Member States. The institute of marriage annulment because of severe mental impairment or impaired judgement has not yet been used in the independent Republic of Slovenia, but it can be expected that it will be used more frequently in the future as mental illnesses are becoming more and more frequent. Slovenia finally regulated the area of mental health, but it is unsure whether it will actually improve the quality of persons suffering from mental health diseases.
Keywords:marriage, severe mental impairment, impaired judgement, annulment, mental disease, mental health


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