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Authors:ID Artač, Edita (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 60B90F52DBEC6B00DA04B72CA63F620E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bdedf549-2d2c-4ad2-86e3-cb48966d257d
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem skušala predstaviti vlogo in pomen varstva potrošnikov skozi razvoj potrošniške družbe. Pri tem sem izpostavila, da je potrebno preučevati obnašanje porabnikov, saj je to proces, v katerem se posamezniki odločajo kaj, kdaj, kje, kako in od koga bodo kupili izdelek ali storitev. Nadalje sem predstavila, kako je v Sloveniji in v največji slovenski banki NLB pokrito področje varstva potrošnikov. V bančništvu je v zadnjih letih na področju odnosov med potrošnikom in banko opazen velik napredek. Banke niso več zaverovane vase, čeprav imajo potrošniki pogosto še tak občutek. Sistem urejanja odnosov s strankami morajo zagotoviti banke v sodelovanju z Banko Slovenije, Ministrstvom za finance, drugimi bankami in potrošniškimi organizacijami. NLB je na področju varstva potrošnikov naredila veliko. Uvedla je interne akte, ki so prilagojeni slovenski in evropski zakonodaji, ki skrbijo za varovanje informacij, oseb in premoženja. S politiko zagotavljanja skladnosti je NLB opredelila odgovornost vseh bančnh delavcev. S kvalitetnimi aplikacijami in predpisanimi kontrolnimi točkami v procesu dela NLB želi preprečiti prevare, zlorabe in druga škodljiva ravnanja v breme banke ali svojih strank, ki poslujejo po različnih tržnih poteh. Vsem strankam je dostopna tarifa in veljavne obrestne mere. V zadnjih letih je NLB izpopolnila metodologijo obravnave pripomb in pritožb strank, kar se je odrazilo tudi v kritični situaciji reševanja Modrega varčevanja. Banka je odgovorno pristopila k reševanju omenjene problematike. V pogajanjih s strankami je pokazala veliko mero prilagodljivosti v korist strank. Ob tem je treba poudariti proaktivni zasuk pri reševanju problemtaike, saj so bančni delavci načrtno seznanjali stranke z njihovo možnostjo in pravico do dodatnega izplačila obresti za pogodbe sklenjene v spornem obdobju. NLB se zaveda, da je zadovoljstvo strank eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na uspešnost njenega dolgoročnega poslovanja, zato že od leta 1999 izvaja raziskave zadovoljstva strank na nivoju celotne banke. Kvalitetna storitev in dober odnos s strankami sta predpogoja za vzpostavitev in ohranjanje lojalnosti strank, zato ne smemo pozabiti na določila Kodeksa etičnega ravnanja delavcev NLB Skupine in na uvedbo »Zlatih pravil«. Kljub navedenemu pa je iz vsebine diplomske naloge razvidno, da na slovenskem trgu in v NLB še obstajajo priložnosti, s katerimi lahko v prihodnje še izboljšamo varstvo potrošnikov v bančništvu. Menim, da je poravnalni svet pri ZBS institucija, ki bi jo bilo treba nadgrajevati. Ob tem pa bi se tudi ZPS morala zavedati, da potrošnikom tak način reševanja sporov lahko le koristi. Poleg tega si morajo na drugi strani tudi bančne institucije prizadevati za skupna pogajalska izhodišča in več sodelovati z ZPS. Potrebno je priti do dogovora, od katerega bodo imeli največ koristi potrošniki. Iz zgoraj navedenih aktivnost NLB je razvidno, da je njen cilj, da do leta 2010 poveča skupno zadovoljstvo strank za dve indeksni točki, realen.
Keywords:vedenje porabnikov, banka, bančna storitev, stranka, varstvo potrošnikov, zajamčena vloga, zadovoljstvo strank, varovanje poslovne skrivnosti, oseb, podatkov in premoženja, mnenje, pritožba, reševanje sporov
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Artač]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12655 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:10154524 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.03.2010
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Secondary language

Abstract:I tried to presentthe role and importance of consumer protection through the development of consumer society in my diploma. In doing so, I pointed out that it is necessary to examine the behavior of consumers, as this is a process in which individuals decide what, when, where, how and from who they will purchase the product or service. Furthermore, I presented how is area of consumer protection cowered in Slovenia and the biggest Slovenian bank NLB. The banking in recent years in relations between the consumer and the bank noted a significant progress. Banks are no longer infatuated with themselves, although consumers often have such a feeling. The system of managing customer relationships should provide banks in cooperation with the Bank of Slovenia, Ministry of Finance, other banks and consumer organizations. NLB has done a lot in terms of consumer protection. It has implemented internal acts aligned with Slovene legislation, catering for protection of information, persons and assets. With compliance policy NLB has defined responsibilities of all employees in the bank. With high-quality applications and prescribed control points in the work process, NLB wants to prevent any fraud, abuse and other harmful behaviour to the detriment of the bank or its customers using various market channels. All customers have access to the valid tariff and interest rates in the bank. Over the last few years NLB has improved its methodology for customer complaint treatment, which has reflected also in the crisis situation of the Wise Savings scheme issue. The bank adopted a responsible approach to resolving this issue. It has shown a great deal of flexibility in negotiations with the customers to their benefit. It should be noted that a proactive turn was made in resolving this issue, as the bank’s employees in a planned and organised way informed the customers with the option and their right to additional interest payout arising from the contracts concluded in a certain time period. NLB is aware of the fact that customer satisfaction is one of the most important elements impacting its performance in the long term, which is why it has been conducting research on customer satisfaction since 1999 at the level of the entire bank. A quality service and good customer relations are essential in order to establish and keep customers’ loyalty, which is why we must not forget about the rules of the Code of Ethical Conduct for employees of NLB Group and implementation of “The Golden Rules”. Despite everything mentioned above, there is still room and opportunity in the Slovene market and in NLB to improve banking consumer protection even more. I believe that the settlement council of Banks Association of Slovenia is an institution that should be upgraded in the future. At the same time Slovenian Consumers’ Association should be aware that this method of settling disputes can only do good to customers. On the other hand banking institutions should strive for common negotiation starting points and cooperate more with Slovenian Consumers’ Association. An agreement from which consumers will benefit most should be reached.
Keywords:behavior of conumers, bank, banking services, customer, consumer protection, guaranteed deposit, customer satisfaction, security of business secrets, persons, datas and properties, opinion, complaint, dispute settlement


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