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Title:Razvoj prekmurskega knjižnega jezika med obema vojnama (na primeru analize člankov v Prekmurskem glasniku in Düševnem listu)
Authors:ID Markoja, Anita (Author)
ID Jesenšek, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Markoja_Anita_2009.pdf (1,90 MB)
MD5: 67C4D9D4033E297C7ED25495103134DE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/23511a22-bbef-41e2-9616-58f3ed1cfcf7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomska naloga predstavlja razvoj prekmurskega jezika med obema vojnama, in sicer s pomočjo analize dveh prekmurskih časopisov — neodvisnega Prekmurskega glasnika, ki je izhajal v letih 1920—1922 ter protestantskega Düševnega lista, izhajajočega v obdobju 1922—1941. V uvodu je predstavljen protestantski pogled na razvoj prekmurskega jezika, kakor se je oblikoval v 18. stoletju, ko se je s Števanom Küzmičem normiral prekmurski knjižni jezik. Katoliški pisci so tak jezikovni koncept sprejeli in ga nadaljevali. Posebnost prekmurskih protestantov pa je bila v tem, da so v 2. polovici 19. stoletja nasedli madžarski raznarodovalni politiki in niso sprejeli skupnega slovenskega knjižnega jezika, so si pa za sprejem konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja toliko bolj prizadevali katoliški pisci, kar se je pokazalo tudi v prekmurski publicistiki med obema vojnama. Glavni del naloge je osredinjen na analizo Prekmurskega glasnika in Düševnega lista; gre za predstavitev obeh časopisov, predvsem pa besedil, v katerih je obravnavano vprašanje prekmurskega jezika, ki vključuje zavzemanje za skupno knjižno normo, slovensko kulturo in šolstvo. Uvedbi skupne knjižne norme je Prekmurski glasnik bil bolj naklonjen kot Düševni list, saj se je s svojimi članki trudil za postopno uvajanje knjižnega jezika na vsa področja, še posebej v šolstvu. Temu sledi še analiza besedilnih vrst ter iskanje podobnosti in različnosti, dodan pa je še kratek razmislek o položaju prekmurskega jezika po 2. svetovni vojni — poudarek je na ločeni predstavitvi razmer v Porabju in Prekmurju. Delo je zaključeno s sklepnimi ugotovitvami.
Keywords:prekmurski knjižni jezik, razvoj prekmurskega jezika med obema vojnama, enotna slovenska knjižna norma, Prekmurski glasnik, Düševni list
Place of publishing:Renkovci
Publisher:[A. Markoja]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12556 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17341192 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2010
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Secondary language

Title:The development of written language of Prekmurje between both wars (based on the analysis of articles published in the Prekmurski glasnik and Düševni list)
Abstract:My thesis presents the development of the dialect of Prekmurje between both wars. The presentation of the development is based on the analysis of two newspapers of the region Prekmurje: on the independent »Prekmurski glasnik« (The Herald of Prekmurje), which was being published from the year 1920 till 1922, and the protestant »Düševni list« (Gazette of the Soul), published in the period of time between 1922 and 1941. The introduciton holds the presentation of the protestants view on the development of the regional written language in the 18th century when the language of Prekmurje became standardized with the help of Števan Küzmič. Catholic writers accepted this language concept and continued the tradition. The particularity of the protestants of Prekmurje is that they fell victim to the Hungarisation - ethnic assimilation policies implemented by various Hungarian authorities - in the second half of the 19th century and didn't accept the common Slovenian written language. But catholic writers strived hard for its acceptance in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, which is also evident from the regional journalism between both wars. The central part of the thesis presents the analysis of »Prekmurski glasnik« and »Düševni list« with the individual texts, in which authors deal with the question of the language of Prekmurje, including their efforts for the common written language standard, Slovenian culture and educational system. In this sence we stipulate that the »Prekmurski glasnik« was far more in favour of introduction of the common literary norm then »Düševni list« because of its efforts for the gradual introduction of the standard language in all areas, especially in education. The main part of the thesis is followed by as short analysis of types of text, and search for similarities and differences between them including a reflection on the situation of language of Prekmurje after the Second World War – ephasis beeing on the separate presentation of the situation in Prekmurje and the Porabje region.The thesis is concluded with final ascertainments.
Keywords:the written language of the region Prekmurje, the development of the regional language between both world wars, uniform Slovenian written language standard, Prekmurski glasnik, Düševni list


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