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Authors:ID Klajžar, Andrejka (Author)
ID Marhl, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grubelnik, Vladimir (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Klajzar_Andrejka_2009.pdf (5,11 MB)
MD5: 65A5611EF02372745853DE5B7E5FD294
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/789dfa49-0fd0-48b8-a91b-bb337f048825
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen problem globalnega segrevanja ozračja, njegove posledice ter ukrepi, ki ga blažijo. Podrobno je prikazan tudi projekt Ekošola kot način življenja, v katerega se vključuje vedno več slovenskih osnovnih šol. V empiričnem delu je narejena raziskava med učenci petega razreda osnovnih šol, ki so vključene v projekt Ekošola kot način življenja, ter učenci šol, ki niso vključene v ta projekt. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, ali so učenci ekošol bolj ozaveščeni o problemu globalnega segrevanja kot učenci neekošol ter kako se razlikujejo njihove aktivnosti v smislu blaženja podnebnih sprememb. Predvsem pa smo želeli raziskati, ali šole skupaj z učenci, ki so vključeni v ta projekt, izvajajo razne dejavnosti vezane na problem globalnega segrevanja in s tem pripomorejo k blaženju podnebnih sprememb. Pri raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Rezultate smo razdelili v tri sklope. V prvem sklopu smo želeli proučiti ozaveščenost učencev o globalnem segrevanju. V drugem sklopu, aktivnosti učencev, smo želeli ugotoviti v kolikšni meri učenci uporabljajo to znanje in ga vključujejo v aktivnosti. V tretjem sklopu, ukrepi šole, pa smo želeli proučiti, v kolikšni meri se ekošole vključujejo v dejavnosti, vezane na globalno segrevanje. V okviru prvega sklopa smo ugotovili, da so učenci ekošol bolj ozaveščeni o problemu globalnega segrevanja ozračja, saj so v večini prepoznali njegove vzroke in potrebne ukrepe za njegovo blaženje. V okviru drugega sklopa so nam rezultati raziskave pokazali, da učenci ekošol malo bolj skrbijo za čisto okolje v okolici šole. Ugotovili smo tudi, da učenci mestnih šol bolje skrbijo za ločevanje odpadkov doma kot učenci podeželskih šol. V tretjem sklopu pa smo ugotovili, da ekošole ponujajo svojim učencem več dejavnosti, ki so vezane na ekološke vsebine, kot so npr. predavanja, ogledi dokumentarnih filmov, ekodnevi in ekotedni, ter razni drugi projekti vezani na globalno segrevanje.
Keywords:globalno segrevanje ozračja, onesnaževanje okolja, odpadki, ekošola
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Klajžar]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12395 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17259016 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.12.2009
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the theoretical part of my diploma paper I presented the problem of global warming of the atmosphere, its consequences and actions to mitigate such problem. The project Eco-school as a way of life, which is growing among Slovenian schools, is also described in greater detail. In the empirical part of my diploma paper I carried out a research among the fifth grade pupils from the primary schools, which are part of the project Eco-school as a way of life, and the pupils from the schools, which are not part of this project. The main goal of this research is to determine, if the pupils from eco-schools are more aware of the problem of global warming than the pupils from non-eco-schools, and how their activities differ within the meaning of mitigation of climate changes. Primarily, we wanted to examine, if the schools together with pupils, who are part of this project, exercise any activities related to the problem of global warming and thus contribute to mitigate the climate changes. When doing the research, a descriptive method of the empirical pedagogic research was applied. The results were allocated into three segments. In the first segment we wanted to review the pupils' awareness of global warming. In the second segment, i.e. pupils' activities, we wanted to determine to what extent the pupils use the knowledge and transform the latter into activities. In the third segment, i.e. school's actions, we wanted to review to what extent the eco-schools engage in the activities, related to the global warming. Within the first segment we discovered that pupils from eco-schools are more aware of the problem of global warming, since the most of them recognized the causes of such problem and necessary actions to mitigate this problem. Within the second segment the research results showed that pupils from eco-schools take a better care to make the schools' vicinity cleaner. We also discovered that the pupils from the urban schools take better care of waste disposal at home than the pupils from the rural schools. Within the third segment we discovered that the eco-schools offer their pupils more activities, bound to ecological context, such as lectures, watching the documentaries, eco-days, eco-weeks, and many other projects, bound to the global warming.
Keywords:global warming of the atmosphere, pollution, wastes, eco-school


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