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Authors:ID Ciglar, Tomaž (Author)
ID Lakota, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Ciglar_Tomaz_2009.pdf (2,01 MB)
MD5: F132157D149916E5716E9C8F4D32FC25
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/b1f4927d-45f7-4be2-8bcf-f3836ec055ec
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava izvedbo konstrukcije hidravličnega cepilnika za drva. Za osnovo konstrukcije je bil uporabljen hidravlični cilinder s potisno silo 20 ton. Izveden je bil trdnostni izračun sestavnih delov. Za konstruiranje posameznih elementov hidravličnega cepilnika, je bil uporabljen računalniški 3D konstrukcijski program Solidworks Student Design Kit. To je program, ki je primeren za oblikovanje enostavnih, kot tudi zelo zapletenih oblik posameznih strojnih elementov in elementov konstrukcije, ki jih nato združimo v sestav z možnostjo spreminjanja in dimenzioniranja po meri. Elemente sem sestavljal v sestav sproti, da sem lažje prilagajal dimenzije posameznih elementov. Nato sem določil material posameznega elementa. Večina elementov je iz osnovnega konstrukcijskega jekla S235JR, razen objemno kontrolnih rok, ki so iz aluminija in distančnikov, ki so iz medenine. Na osnovi gostote materiala sem s pomočjo programa izračunal maso celotne konstrukcije. Trdnostna kontrola konstrukcije je bila izvedena po metodi končnih elementov (MKE). V računalniškem programu je bila izvedena simulacija obremenitve. Največja obremenitev 121.3 MPa se je pojavila na stičišču nosilne cevi in nosilca cilindra, kar pomeni, da izbrani material, konstrukcijsko jeklo S235JR z dopustno napetostjo, ki znaša 235 N/mm2, ustreza in da bo konstrukcija prenesla obremenitev 20 ton.
Keywords:Cepilnik, konstrukcija, hidravlika.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12204 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.11.2009
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Abstract:My thesis deals with the construction of a hydraulic log for firewood. A hydraulic cylinder with 20-ton force has been used for the basic construction of the hydraulic log. All the strength of individual components and design were calculated with the 3D program Solidworks Student Design Kit. With this program we can create simple as well as highly complex forms of individual machine parts and construction elements which can then be combined into an assembly line with the possibility of modification and custom dimensioning. Individual elements were created step-by-step, along with the construction of the assembly so that easy adaptation of individual elements enabled the proper dimensioning of hydraulic elements. Most of the elements of the hydraulic log are made of basic structural steel material (S235JR) except the control period, which is made of aluminum, and spacers made of brass. Based on the density of the material I was able to calculate the total mass of the hydraulic log. Strength control of the structure was made with help of the finite element method. With the computer program I was also able to test the simulation of the load. Maximum load 121.3 MPa occurred on the intersection point and on cylinder, which means that the selected material - structure steel (S235JR), which has the permissible voltage of 235 N/mm2, is appropriate, and the construction will bear the load of 20 tonnes.
Keywords:Log, construction, hydraulic.


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