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Authors:ID Gačar, Milan (Author)
ID Družovec, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UNI_Gacar_Milan_2009.pdf (13,07 MB)
MD5: 007E6DBC4160FD923402F8EBE0C08985
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe1e9e5a-bc1d-4364-a746-3a44fb594ab5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Osrednja tema diplomske naloge so sodobni postopki priprave radijskega informativnega programa. Za boljše razumevanje trenutnega stanja je opisan zgodovinski razvoj novinarske redakcije v svetu in pri nas, saj predstavlja tak razvoj podlago sodobnih procesov, ko večina radijskih redakcij prehaja s tradicionalnega na sodobni način dela. Sodobna tehnologija omogoča učinkovito organizacijo nastajanja informativnih radijskih vsebin, te pa postajajo temelj tudi drugim medijskim kanalom, kot so televizija in spletni portali. Diplomsko delo razkriva razlike med tradicionalno in sodobno radijsko novinarsko redakcijo in predstavlja dva koncepta sodobne, virtualne radijske novinarske redakcije — kombinirani in besedilno-zvočni koncept, ob tem pa podaja tudi smernice za izbiro primernega koncepta pri posodabljanju dela v radijski novinarski redakciji.
Keywords:radio, novinarstvo, informativni program, novinarska redakcija, tiskovna agencija, zvokovni urejevalnik, urejevalnik besedila, story
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Gačar]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-12173 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13518358 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.10.2009
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Secondary language

Abstract:The main focus of the diploma is to present the concepts of the modern radio news programme. The first part of the diploma clarifies the historical development of the radio newsroom, which becomes an essential part in understanding the present processes in most radio newsrooms as they progress from the traditional to the modern way of work. In continuation, provided is the description of how the modern technology helps build an effective organization of the production process of the radio news content, which become the basis for other means of communication – the television programme, web portals. The diploma offers two concepts of the modern virtual radio newsroom: a combined and textual-audio concept. Suggestions are also provided of how to choose the right concept and how to embrace it while building a modern virtual radio newsroom.
Keywords:radio, journalism, news programme, newsroom, press agency, sound editor, text editor, story


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